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<br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 19, 2005 4 <br />approximately $4,218.05. All other items included in quote. Total cost for the truck <br />replacement should be no more than $124,272.05. The CIP has set aside $130,000 for <br />this acquisition. <br /> M/S/P Conlin/Johnston - to approve the purchase of a 2005 Fund Plow/Dump Truck not <br />to exceed $124,272.05. (Motion passed 4-0). <br /> <br />5. FINANCE: <br /> A. Monthly Operating Report The Finance Director reported the electric utility account may be in the future an <br />amendment to the budget. Council member DeLapp said the installation of lights <br />addressed for benefit of residents will be completed by the end of the year. <br /> <br />6. NEW BUSINESS: 7. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING: <br /> A. Update on Building Department Activities:Jim McNamara <br />The Building Official reported there were one new residential building permit and two <br />commercial building permits issued for March, 2005 and attended an informational <br />meeting on radon at the University of MN. He advised that the municipal code states small farm animals should not be kept on small lots. The Council responded they will talk about this after the Comprehensive Plan has been completed. <br /> <br /> B. Accept Fire Study Report:Chief Malmquist <br />Fire Chief Malmquist gave a summary of the Fire Protection Needs Study report completed by DSU Research and asked the Council to accept this report. Administrator Rafferty pointed out this fire study report is a professional study conducted that will <br />guide us into the future. <br /> <br />M/S/P Conlin/DeLapp – to accept and file the fire study report, March 2005 by DSU Research, Fire Protection Needs Study. (Motion passed 4-0.) 8. CITY ENGINEER’S REPORT: <br /> A. Approved Stop Sign at the Intersection of Highlands Trail and Hilltop Avenue <br />The City received a request from Michael Maas to reconsider the new stop sign at Hilltop Avenue and Highlands Trail. The City Engineer and Public Works Supervisor <br />recommended that a stop sign be installed on the westbound leg of this “T” intersection. <br />This was based on the lack of sight distance at the intersection and the increase in traffic <br />that has occurred. <br /> The City Engineer explained that although the resident presents arguments against this <br />stop sign and looks at other method of traffic control, he still believes this is the best <br />location for a stop sign. The City Engineer recommended the City not make any traffic <br />control changes to this intersection at this time. The City is scheduled to overlay Hilltop <br />Avenue in 2005 and will look at traffic calming methods as part of that project. The consensus of the Council concurred with the City Engineer’s recommendation that this is <br />the best location for the stop sign at Hilltop Avenue and Highland Trail.