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<br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 19, 2005 5 <br /> B. Update on Water Tower Sites <br />In his memo dated April 14, 2005, the City Engineer reported on the estimated costs and <br />revised water tower locations. Other sites considered for the water tower include two <br />locations near the public works building and one on the 3M property. <br />Administrator Rafferty indicated he would hear in three weeks whether or not the 3M <br />site could potentially be available to us. <br /> <br />An informational meeting for the residents will be held by the Council on the selected site before a decision is made by the Council. <br /> <br /> C. Phase II Watermain: Authorize for bids, Resolution No. 2005-042 <br />In his letter dated April 14, 2005, the City Engineer reported plans and specifications are <br />completed on the second phase of the Water Systems Interconnect Project. This phase of the project installs 16-inch water main from the intersection of Tapestry Drive and 45th <br />Street to the existing Public Works building. This project will allow the City to <br />disconnect from the City of Oakdale’s water system in the Lake Jane area. <br /> <br />The City Engineer recommended approval of the plans and authorizing the advertisement for bids. <br /> <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnson - to adopt Resolution No. 2005-042, A Resolution Approving <br />Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for bids for the Water Systems <br />Interconnect Phase II Project. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />Tom Prew will be contacting the people and let them know what the connection fee <br />would be. <br /> <br />9. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONNG: A. Preliminary Plat, Comprehensive Plan Amendment Rezoning, Conditional Use <br />Permit and OP Concept Plan – Deer Glen, Lakewood Evangelical Free Church <br />(Continuation) – See Agenda Item 3C. <br /> <br />The Council tabled these applications on April 5 to enable the City Attorney time to review a 12-page letter that has been presented to the City by the applicant’s attorney late <br />afternoon of April 5, (the day of the Council meeting). The applicant went on record <br />agreeing to extend the City’s review period to April 19, and the Council tabled the <br />application pending a report from the City Attorney regarding the applicant’s letter of <br />April 5. <br /> B. Resolution No. 2005-043 Approving Placement of a Garage Structure In Front of <br />the Primary Structure:Gleason, 8211 Lake Jane Trail <br /> <br />Harvey Gleason, 8211 Lake Jane Trail, is requesting Council approval to allow relocation of an existing 24’ x 26’ accessory structure from one side of the lot to the other. The <br />accessory structure (formerly the only garage on the site) is now located close to the