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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 7, 2005 2 <br /> <br />1. AGENDA <br />ADD: 8(2) Amend Water Interconnect Authorization,11A. Resolution to accept donation <br />from 3M Company and execute donation agreement, 11B. Report from Met Council on Comp Plan, 12. Council Member DeLapp-Workshops for summer 8(2) Amend water interconnect authorization, City Council Reports, DeLapp -workshops <br />for summer. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Smith - to approve the June 7, 2005 City Council Agenda, as amended. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). 2. MINUTES: May 17, 2005 (Postponed) <br /> <br />3. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATONAL: <br />A. Public Inquiries - NONE <br />B. Public Informational: <br />(1) Fire Department:20 Years of Service Ring Presentation <br />On behalf of a grateful community, Mayor Johnston handed out 20 Years of service rings <br />to the following firefighters: Greg Malmquist (20.5 years), John Eder (20.5 years), Jim Sachs (25 years), Dick Sachs (29.5 years). <br /> <br /> (2)Introduction of New Firefighters <br />Fire Chief Malmquist introduced the four new recruits on the Fire Department – Richard <br />Myran, Marie Duffert, Maurice “Mo” Butler and Ty Jacobson. <br />4. CONSENT AGENDA: A. Resolution No. 2005-051: Approving Claims <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnson - to adopt Resolution No. 2005-051 approving claim numbers <br />260, 261, 262, DD431 through DD440, 27373 through 27365 which were used for staff payroll dated May 26, 2005; claims 27386 through 27448 in the total amount of <br />$138,695.23. (Motion passed 5-0). <br /> <br />B. Reimbursement Resolution No. 2005-052 <br />The Finance Director reported in order for the City to reimburse the General Fund from tax-exempt bond issued, the City is required to adopt a resolution authorizing the <br />repayment of funds. A draft resolution granting reimbursement to the General Fund for <br />Capital expenditures from bonds issued by the City was provided to the Council. <br /> <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnson - to adopt Resolution No. 2005-052 granting the City to repay expenditures made out of the General Fund from Bond Proceeds. (Motion passed 5-0). <br /> <br />C. New Telephone System <br />The Finance Director reported that the City signed a new agreement for phone service <br />which allowed for the installation of a T-1 line at a rate less than what the City had been paying for analog lines. The new T-1 line provides an additional six voice lines to our <br />existing five lines. In order to accommodate the additional lines and upgrade the current