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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 7, 2005 5 <br /> <br />Pat Block, Construction manager, explained they had to suspend work pending PCA <br />permit approval for the sewer system because the PCA has a slow permitting process. <br />They had applied for an MPCA permit in October, and the MPCA will be mailing the permit on June 7th. <br /> <br />Chapter 1370 of the City code specifies that construction equipment may only be <br />operated in the City between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., weekdays—except holidays. The <br />Code does provide that the Council may issue a special permit to extend those operating hours to 9:30 p.m. on weekdays and/or between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays, <br />Sundays, and holidays. The Code refers to a Council determination of “substantial <br />economic loss” as the basis for approving a special permit to extend working hours. <br />There are no parameters provided for defining “substantial”. <br /> M/S/P Johnston/Smith - to authorize 7 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and <br />Saturdays, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., no Sundays for a two week period with the intent that <br />Mr. Youngdahl, the developer, provide financial information to substantiate substantial <br />economic loss as the basis for approving a special permit to extend working hours for the <br />June 21 council meeting. (Motion passed 4-1:Conlin would like to eliminate Fridays because of graduations, etc.) The Planner and City Engineer will review financial <br />submittals. <br /> <br />B. Visible Roofing Material – Commercial Building, Ordinance No. 97-158 <br />LB and Ordinance No. 97-159 GB – NOT ADOPTED <br />The City Planner reported the Planning Commission reviewed a staff memo regarding <br />present zoning standard for visible roofing materials in the commercial zoning districts <br />and conducted a Public Hearing to consider modification to those standards based on the <br />staff memo and recent actions of the City with those standards on specific projects. The Commission adopted a recommendation to amend certain commercial zoning district <br />performance standards to include “commercial grade” asphalt shingles as allowable <br />visible roofing in materials in areas north of 10th Street North. The Planner said the basic <br />rationale for the geographic differentiation with the visible roofing standard relates to the <br />more “residential” character surrounding those commercial zoning districts north of 10th Street (primarily the Old Village). The Commission believed that an asphalt style roof <br />would better blend with the residential roofs in those areas. <br /> <br />The City Planner provided two ordinance amendments covering the Limited Business <br />and General Business zones for Council consideration. <br />M/S/F DeLapp/Johnston – to adopt Ordinance No. 97-158 (Limited Business) and 97-159 <br />(General Business) to amend the City Code to allow commercial grade asphalt roofing <br />materials on visible roofs north of 10th Street. (Motion failed 3-2Conlin and Johnson <br />voiced their concern that the amendment is only for North of 10th St. and would have liked to see the ordinance address all the LB and GB parcels in the city). <br />