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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 7, 2005 6 <br />10. CITY ATTORNEY’S REPORT: A. Development Moratorium <br />Attorney Filla explained that after final approval of an amended Comprehensive Plan, it <br />will be necessary for the City to draft, review at public hearings and adopt official control to implement the policies of a newly approved Comprehensive Plan before development occurs. This development moratorium will exclude United Properties, Eagle Point <br />Business Park. <br /> <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnson – to adopt Ordinance No. 97-158, An Ordinance Relating to the Adoption of a Development Moratorium effective for twelve months, as amended (9.0 Whereas, the City anticipates that the area of the City located west of Manning Avenue; <br />east of County Road 13; north of Interstate 94; and south of 10th Street, except that part <br />thereof included within the Eagle Point Business Park, which is already served by public <br />sanitary sewer and is subject to the development restrictions contained in a planned unit development permit (I-94 Corridor Area) will experience intense development pressure <br />as sanitary sewer becomes available to serve the area.) (Motion passed 5-0). <br /> <br />11. CITY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT: <br />A. Donation of 3M Property The City Administrator explained this is a resolution accepting a real estate donation of <br />8.3 acres from the 3M Company. There will be a public hearing held by the Planning <br />Commission for a Conditional Use Permit for a Public Works Facility and Water Tower <br />on this donated parcel. <br /> M/S/P Smith/Conlin – to adopt Resolution No. 2005-054, A Resolution Accepting Real <br />Estate Donation from the 3M Company. (Motion passed 5-0). Attorney Filla suggested <br />placing the deed in escrow because the City may want to do an environmental <br />background check. <br /> Attorney Filla provided a copy of the donation agreement with the 3M Company for the <br />property located on the southwest corner on the north site of Highway 5 and along Ideal <br />Avenue. Filla pointed out the covenants contained in the agreement. The Council <br />authorized the Mayor to sign the Donation Agreement. <br /> B. Met Council Comments The City Administrator and City Planner discussed the review of the draft comprehensive <br />plan document submitted in the letter by Blair Tremere, Met Council staff member. <br />Administrator Rafferty suggested a meeting with the Met Council staff to ask for <br />clarifications of the recent comments of the Met Council staff, which seem to be inconsistent with the Memorandum of Understanding. <br />M/S/ Johnson/Smith - that the Clarification Committee consisting of the City Planner, <br />City Administrator, Mayor Johnston to discuss the review of the Draft Comprehensive <br />Plan document submitted in the letter by Blair Tremere. The Clarification committee has no authority to negotiate with the Met Council staff members. All information will come back to the City Council.