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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES June 7, 2005 7 <br />Council member Smith asked if she could attend this clarification meeting. Council <br />member Conlin supported Smith’s attendance because Smith has been a proponent of <br />2.91 ppdu. <br /> M/S/P Smith/Conlin - to amend the motion to approve Anne Smith to be a party of the clarification committee to meet with the Met Council representatives. (Motion passed 3- <br />2:Johnson, Johnston said this was the best possible agreement under certain <br />circumstances and would like to see the same team go back for clarification.) <br /> M/S/P Johnson/Smith - that the Clarification Committee consisting of the City Planner, City Administrator, Mayor Johnston and Council member Smith will discuss the review <br />of the City’s Draft Comprehensive Plan submitted in the letter by Blair Tremere. The <br />Clarification committee has no authority to negotiate with the Met Council staff <br />members. All information will come back to the entire City Council. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Council member DeLapp asked for Council consideration in consolidating workshops for <br />the summer. Council member Johnson said she would rather have shorter meetings and more meetings because there are many issues the Council needs to discuss. <br /> <br />Council member Johnson stated she attended the Lake Elmo Regional Park open house. <br /> <br />Council member Smith welcomed Nicole Park to the Community Improvement Commission. <br /> <br />Council adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m. <br />-------------------- <br />Respectfully submitted by Sharon Lumby, City Clerk <br />Resolution No. 2005-051 Approve Claims <br />Resolution No. 2005-052 Reimbursement to the General Fund for Capital Expenditures <br />from Bonds Issued by the City <br />Resolution No. 2005-053 Award bid to G.M. Contracting Inc. for Water System Interconnect – Phase II <br />Resolution No. 2005-054 Accept Real Estate Donation from the 3M Company <br /> <br />Ordinance No. 97-158 Adoption of Development Moratorium I-94 Corridor for 12 <br />months.