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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 15, 2005 8 <br />6. OLD BUSINESS: A. Planning Commission <br />(1) Vacancies <br />(2) 60-day Appointments The City had received the resignation from Jennifer Pelletier from the Planning <br />Commission. With this resignation, there are three vacancies on the Commission. <br />Council Member Smith indicated she talked to Ms. Pelletier, who would like an <br />extension of a leave of absence for six months. M/S/P Smith/DeLapp – to approve Jennifer Pelletier’s request for an extension of a leave <br />of absence for six months from the Planning Commission. (Motion passed 5-0). <br /> <br />There are six applications on file: Jule Fliflet, Gloria Knoblauch, Tom Kreimer, Deborah Lyzenga, Leroy Rossow and Mark Sandstrom. At its January 4th 2005 meeting, the <br />Council adopted a policy procedure for filling commission vacancies. <br /> <br /> (2) 60-day Appointments <br />At its January 4th meeting, the Council appointed Todd Ptacek, Rodney Sessing, and Charlie Schneider to the Planning Commission for 60 days. <br />M/S/P Smith/DeLapp – to appoint Charlie Schneider to his first three year term on the <br />Planning Commission. (Motion passed 5-0). <br /> M/S/P Johnson/DeLapp – to approve the 60-day extension of the Planning Commission appointments of Todd Ptacek and Rod Sessing. (Motion passed 5-0). <br /> <br />The City Administrator advised that it was not appropriate to reinterview, but consider <br />the appointments of Todd Ptacek and Rod Sessing. M/S/P Johnson/DeLapp - to advertise the Planning Commission vacancies with an <br />application deadline of February 25th, 4:30 p.m. and schedule interviews for March 1st <br />starting at 5:30 based on the number of applications. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br /> B. Fire Study Status <br />Mayor Johnston asked when the Council will have the opportunity to submit input on the <br />Final Fire Study report. The administrator responded that he, Planner Dillerud and the <br />Fire Chief have reviewed the study which reviews projected needs, services and <br />considers locations of neighboring fire services as an informational item. This is a professional study and will be presented to the Council in 30 days. <br /> C. Library Tax <br />Mayor Johnston believes that Washington County should be spending the local tax <br />money of a Lake Elmo branch rather than using it to fund libraries in other parts of the county. Washington County receives about $215,000 per year from Lake Elmo taxpayers <br />in the form of a library tax. He said the County is taking Lake Elmo’s money with no