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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 15, 2005 9 <br />incentive to spend it here. Johnston suggested the City investigate the process by which <br />the City could remove itself from the library system and how quickly money would <br />become available. He requested council support for a procedure of requesting tax money <br />for a dedicated library account used by the City. M/S/P DeLapp/Smith – to direct staff to define process by which the City could remove <br />itself from the Washington County Library system and request the tax money from Lake <br />Elmo taxpayers to be used for a dedicated library account used by the City. (Motion <br />passed 5-0.) Council member Smith said she read the article in the Pioneer Press stating Washington <br />County Library System was looking at a kiosk for the City. Smith said she was not in <br />favor of a kiosk, but wanted a library for the good of the entire community. <br /> 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: Council Input on Comprehensive Plan. <br /> <br />Mayor Johnston and Council members Johnson, Conlin submitted individual statements <br />of input to the Planning Commission as to the key elements they would like to have considered during the planning process. Council members DeLapp requested that the Planning Commissioners remember the difference between planning and implementation. <br />He gave his verbal comments detailing his proposal for comprehensive plan revision and <br />will submit those comments in writing. These written comments have been made part of <br />these minutes. Council member Smith noted that her top priority was protecting the residents south of 10th street. She added that with two residents that live south of 10th <br />Street, Commissioners Ben Roth and Todd Ptacek, she felt the City had a very capable <br />Planning Commission.. Council member Smith’s verbal comments are in written form <br />and made part of these minutes. <br /> Discussion was continued to the Council Committee workshop. <br /> <br />13. Adjourn Council Meeting at 10:23 p.m. <br /> <br />14. Finance, Legal, Legislative, Personnel Council Workshop Attendees: Chair Liz Johnson, Council member Anne Smith, Mayor Dean Johnson, <br />Council Members Rita Conlin and Steve DeLapp, Planner Dillerud, Administrator <br />Rafferty and Finance Director Bouthilet. <br /> <br /> (1) Council Input to the Planning Commission on Comprehensive Plan: There was a short discussion on the key elements submitted by the Council on what they would <br />like to have considered during the planning process. Planner Dillerud responded there <br />was a consensus on items from the Council and that the Planning Commission would not <br />have any difficulty considering the issues the Council members submitted. He believed <br />those items of input were already addressed in the existing comprehensive plan. Dillerud noted there was not any great dispute among the Council members regarding policy.