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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 3, 2004 2 <br /> <br />3. PUBLIC/INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. Public Inquiries <br /> It was the general consensus of the Council that they would consider the appointment of Jill Anderson, Lake Elmo Jaycees Secretary, to the Community Improvement <br />Commission, and asked that she fill out an application. <br /> <br />B. State of the Region Meeting <br />Council member DeLapp attended the State of the Region Meeting where Peter Bell was <br />the primary speaker. DeLapp reported that Bell stated how every governor resulted in a <br />new direction for the Metro Council; and that keeping costs low is the #1 concern. <br /> C. Washington County Library <br /> <br />Wyn John, Friends of Lake Elmo Library, reported that on January 29 the Washington <br />County Board met and noted that by 2010 there will be considerable growth in <br />Washington County. There was a conclusion that the Lake Elmo library would exist, and that the Board was aware of the City’s potential purchase of building for new City hall, <br />with present City Hall potentially accommodating the library. The Board will not <br />proceed with architects until it hears from Lake Elmo. Since this building may not be <br />available until 2005, the Friends of Lake Elmo Library might start to look at other areas <br />for a temporary rental. Acting Administrator Dillerud said he will be meeting with owners of 3880 Laverne Avenue N. on Thursday to discuss a purchase agreement. <br /> <br />4. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />A. Resolution No.2004-011 Approving Claims <br /> M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to approve Resolution No. 2004-011, Approving claim numbers 185, 186, DD98 through DD103, 25089 through 25091, which were used for staff payroll <br />dated January 22, 2004, and Claim Numbers 25092 through 25131 dated February 3, <br />2004, in the total amount of $132,315.79. (Motion passed 5-0). <br /> 5. FINANCE: 6. NEW BUSINESS: <br /> <br />7. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING: A. Request for Proposals – Trail System Plan <br /> <br />The City Planner reported that in 2002 the Parks Commission created a Trail Plan <br />Subcommittee to begin work on a new Trails System Plan with the City Planner assisting. <br />Work had started on the resources inventory component of the plan. All of the work on the Trail Plan was suspended by City staff when the City Planner was asked to take on the duties of Acting City Administrator on December 19, 2002. The Trail Subcommittee