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02-03-2004 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-03-2004 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 3, 2004 3 <br />and Park Commission concurred with the City Planner’s recommendation that the project <br />be contracted to a competent planning consultant for completion. The Trails <br />Subcommittee composed a Request for Proposal to solicit that work and a Trail Study is <br />in the approved CIP as a $20,000 capital project in 2003. Even though the Trail Plan RFP was prepared by the Commission earlier 2003, the <br />Commission was advised that it would not be presented until the CIP was adopted by the <br />Council, which was in December, 2003. The draft RFP was presented to the City <br />Council for its approval to proceed. M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow - to approve distribution of a Request for Proposals for consultant <br />services to prepare a Trail System Plan, as recommended by the Park Commission and <br />Acting City Administrator, with the inclusion of existing trails and background work <br />completed by a Trail Committee several years ago. (Motion passed 5-0). B. Street Sweeping <br /> <br />The Acting Administrator reported that the former Maintenance Supervisor and the <br />present Acting Supervisor has recommended that the City suspend sweeping with City crews, and contract that work with a private firm. This strategy was concurred in following review by the Maintenance Advisory Commission on October 29, 2003. The <br />primary motivation for this recommendation include difficulties with disposing of <br />sweepings; and, the expense of owning, storing and maintaining a street sweeper used <br />only during short periods of the year. Council member DeLapp noted that back 4 years ago the decision to purchase a street <br />sweeper was because we needed to use it 12 months of the year which made no sense <br />then. Mayor Hunt added that the primary rationale was to have the ability to clean up <br />developments. Council member Siedow stated that it appears that a mistake was made on street sweeping strategy, and it would not be the last mistake. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to direct the City Administrator to accept the proposals of Allied <br />Blacktop Company (per rates quoted) for street sweeping and Miller Excavating (per <br />rates quoted) for sweeping, trucking and disposal as the lowest responsible quotations for 2004 street sweeping. Further that the City retain the Elgin street sweeper pending a review of the 2004 contract street sweeping program. (Motion passed 5-0). <br /> <br />C. Update on Fire Dept. Activities: Chief Malmquist <br /> Fire Chief Malmquist reported that out of the four new recruits there are two remaining <br />and introduced Amanda Collyard and Lauren Potter, who will be probationary members <br />on the department. <br /> <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to approve Amanda Collyard and Loren Potter as probationary members on the Lake Elmo Fire Department. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />
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