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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> B. es <br /> <br /> <br />C. City Administrator Search: Jim Briemeyer <br />Mayor Hunt said he had a discussion last week with JB that he was going to bring up tonight and that he senses that there are some issues that council members were not comfortable in hiring a full fledged ca today and might consider a dual reporting ladder. <br />With CA reporting to directly Council handling half of the city responsible admin part <br />and continue have planner report directly to the Council. There is nothing that would <br />stop that from doing. Briemeyer: Council needs to decide what the administration part goes under the ca and <br />planner. Human Development and Planning, Land Use and Zoning goes to chuck and the <br />rest, finance, admin, fire, public works fall under CA with the understanding that he is <br />not going to on forever. Realizing what the full fledge role of a CA would be. Narrower a list that would go to the candidates and he thinks some of them would be interested.. <br />Siedow: If we are going to change the scope of the CA position and the applicants, then <br />we shouldn’t be doing it. <br />Dunn: Looked at it the primary attributes, for the budgetary, knowledge of finance, knowledge of personnel. In reality in a small city, have PZ or admin have different tasks and still cross functional. She does not have a problem with that scenario. <br /> <br />Briemeyer: One of these two positions, ca have to come to the Council to say we need to <br />add staff or cut, chuck should not have the authority to hire 3 new planners because he doesn’t have the HR responsibility. There noting in under this form of govt we that everyone couldn’t report to the Council if you chose. You are set up this way, in the but <br />have chose to have a ca. There are cities in the state that operate very successfully with <br />Dept Heads dealing with the council on a regular basis, ultimately when the trouble <br />comes somebody’s feet is put to the fire, it is usually is the CA. If you decide to go this way, you should have interviews and select candidate, he should rewrite the profile, and then draft by you and see if this is what you think if it would work. Then he would bring <br />it to the candidate and ask if they thought it would work. <br /> <br />Johnston: We have spent a lot of time in these 15 mos that I have been on the Council talking about effective organization and management structure. Part of what we need to is look at what is what we need to do to keep that happening. Some of the things that need