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03-16-2004 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-16-2004 CCM
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to be done, for example, are the people that report to the council have to have <br />performance appraisals. To the best of his knowledge, he has never participated in <br />performance appraisals. It is my understanding that we have not routinely given a <br />performance appraisals. I would oppose having two people reporting to the Council instead of one because it puts additional burden on the Council to manage those people <br />directly and secondly I don’t feel it is an effective management structure. We talked <br />about reorganizing the Fire Dept. to make it more orderly and straight forward and think <br />we should take our own advice. I feel quite strongly that this is a bad way to go. We have <br />been 15 mos into the process, we made the decision that we are going to conduct the search, committed $20,000 to conduct the search, the search is almost complete, look at <br />candidate in just a few days, and now we are going to change direction. <br /> <br />Briemeyer – But Dean that is the piece that I should write that out, like the performance <br />appraisal, maybe the CA should still do the performance appraisal on the planner, that doesn’t prevent the planner from reporting to the Council, that doesn’t prevent the <br />performance appraisal going to the Council. <br /> <br />Johnston: I understand that and I am speaking against it. <br /> DeLapp: I support the initial proposal, and support the comments that I understood from <br />Council member Dunn. I am a strong believer in having as flat an organization as <br />possible and low cost organization and an empowered one. I think everybody has prven <br />right ow that over these 15 mos. that with a few bugs, like the fence, grabs ahold ofhings <br />and tried to get things downon their own, they don’t need tohave two people do everything somebody looking over everybodys shoulder. If we get a working <br />administraotor who actually has work to do, rather than sit there and tell Sharon how to <br />do her job which she would have to tell them, no that isn’t how we would do it. We are <br />short a position. I thought that position would be better as as asst planner, I would <br />support it as a higher level finance person that could also deal with personnel issues with the idea that we wouldn’t have to hire out for that portion of the work. Probably woult <br />have tohiare out for planning issues at that point. Anything to do to flatten things out. I <br />don’t even like the title CA, rather have personnel director. <br /> <br />Breimery: You can have it flat, but you have to assign responsibiities. <br />Siedow: Hange the scope of the city admin job we should not be doing it per Sidow. We <br />are just bakstepping and am totally against it. I don’t even like the title of CA, rather have <br /> <br /> Dunn thepriarmy atribut4es finane, personnel, different tasks are still cross funitonal doesn’t hafe aproblem with that scenario. Briemery ca positon has the responsibility to <br />hire positions. YUou ofculd hagve eafh ep heards eafch report to the council. If you go <br />this way,k rewrite the profile and draft it by the Council and Chuck and ten go to the <br />candidates and see if this is on it works. Johnston said we have to look at what we need <br />to do to keep that organizational hat need to be done. Performance appriasial he undersnad hae not been done. Feel strongly this is a bad way to go. <br />
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