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Support the initial prpsoal from Dunn, have a flat organization as possible and an <br />empowered one. Everyone in the last 15 mos haveā€¦.. not to hire out for the fncne <br />portion of the work. <br /> Bri4emery you hafve to assign resp onsibiity and how are these re s ponsiblities defined. <br /> <br />Hunt if we hire someone at a 3-2 vote they may not take the job. Leaning towards a split <br />system. How does the conci maintain acconabilty to the residents and to the staff and <br />keep us form micromanaging. <br />Briemeyer what is the ob that needs to be done. Can the person that is hried do HR. <br /> <br />Hunt two top people in the city work as peers. <br /> Move to go ahead with the interviews per Hunt. Johnston said this is a terrible time to <br />change directions and change the organizational structure. Dunn said it is changing <br />duties. Siedow agreed with Johnston. <br /> <br />Hunt said there was not one with metropolitan experience. <br />DeLapp/Siedow - request Jim put together a revised organization chart that splits the city <br />workload into how we talked about and that interview applicant interested in lower level <br />(cheaper) position that would be closer have emphasis on finance, city operations, human <br />resources, fire and police (emphasis). Motion withdrawn per DeLapp/Siedow <br /> <br />Present the writhdrawn organizational chart to the Council and begin the interview <br />process as defined by the Council. DeLapp/Dunn (Motion passed 4-1 Johnston <br /> Johnston said we are too far along to make the fundamental changes. Siedow said he <br />voted for the motion to keep this profess going forward with the understanding there still <br />will be an administrative position. <br /> <br />Schedule: car allowance negotiable now get $100 mos. New policy is the PTO for vaca ton/sick leave. , cdafe teria plan in April, 3 bids for reallocation. 90 days , severance <br />provison---negotiable. Retirement Pera or opt out for deferred comp plan. Perfonrade <br />evaluaito will be 6 mos., city related expeses, professional orga and onferences. <br />Council call Pam with names beause Ji9m will be on the road o wed back in office on <br />thusday. Planne will not be involved in the Saturday. But will coordinate Friday and Sat. <br />. <br />12. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. Local Lodging Tax <br /> Does the city want to add lodging tax on our one facility? Johnston would not support <br />the tax and at this time but would support someone to come in and talk to them. DeLapp