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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 1, 2004 2 <br /> 3. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. Public Inquiries <br />Roger Linnell, Stillwater Blvd., alerted the Council of traffic safety problems on Highway 5 at 31st Street where four lanes are reduced to two lanes. Mr. Linnell said <br />because of the excessive speed and passing on the shoulder on the two lane section he has <br />had to jump into the ditch many times when cutting his lawn. Council member Dunn said <br />she has been working with MnDOT on safety improvements, and they are doing <br />preliminary work, but she will bring this up again. Mayor Hunt asked that the City Administrator contact the Washington County Sheriff’s Department and MnDOT <br />officials to find out what proactive strategies can be done to address this issue. <br /> <br />Gloria Knoblauch explained the Oakdale-Lake Elmo Historical Society has monetary <br />needs and requested a $1,000 donation for their one-room school house that was located on the Eder farm in Lake Elmo and donated to the Oakdale Lake Elmo Historical Society <br />for restoration and preservation. The restoration was made possible through monetary <br />donations. The inside of the school house is furnished with memorabilia from the late <br />1800’s and early 1900’s. Mayor Hunt will be invited to the School Open House on June <br />10. <br />M/S/P John/Johnston – to approve the $1000 donation to the Oakdale-Lake Elmo <br />Historical Society for preservation of the one-room school house; subject to the City <br />Administrator checking if it is appropriate in the budget. (Motion passed 4-1: DeLapp:He <br />would rather look into alternatives to what items the Oakdale-Lake Elmo Historical Society might be looking for, but noted it is a wonderful volunteer project.) <br /> <br />Informational: Wyn John received an e-mail from Pat Connley who advised that the <br />Washington County Board appointed Ms. White, a Lake Elmo resident, to the County <br />Library Board. <br />4. CONSENT AGENDA: A. Resolution No. 2004-045: Approve Claims <br /> <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston - to adopt Resolution No. 2004-045, A Resolution approving claim numbers 204, 205, DD164 through DD171 25642 through 25656, that were used <br />for staff, payroll dated May 27, 2004, Claim Numbers 25641 dated May 19, 2004 and <br />25657 through 25693 dated June 1, 2004 in the total amount of $71,673.43. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br /> 5. FINANCE: A. Budget Calendar <br /> <br />The Acting Finance Director provided a proposed 2005 Budget calendar. He said the <br />Budget process for Fiscal Year 2005 starts in early June with the intention of receiving guidance though the upcoming Council Strategy Workshop.