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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 1, 2004 3 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS: <br />7. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING: <br />A. Update on Fire Dept. Activities:Chief Malmquist – NOT IN ATTENDANCE <br /> <br />Council requested an article in the Newsletter educating residents of the different siren <br />tones for the tornado season. Planner Dillerud said the warning sirens had been placed on <br />the backburner. He will work on coordinating warning sirens for the entire region. <br />8. CITY ENGINEER’S REPORT: A. Update on Hill Trail Reconstruction Project <br />The City Engineer reported he will check out the inquiry from a resident who received <br />grass seed and wanted sod replanted, and there are also a few repairs needed before they do the paving. Prew stated he sent in the necessary permit, one part contractor and one part city, but the contractor sent his part in late. He said the City has all the easements <br />required for drainage, and the City would pave the last couple of gravel driveways. The <br />water level of the larger pond on 50th Street will be checked this week. In response to the <br />question if there will be vegetation in the smaller holding pond, Prew said he could get the costs for planting vegetation and let the Council decide. <br /> 9. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Resolution No. 2004-046:Zoning Setback Variance, 8017 50th Street N., <br />(Isaacson) <br />Planner Dillerud reported the Planning Commission considered an application by Mr. <br />Isaacson for side and front setback variances to accommodate construction of an attached <br />two stall garage. The Hearing was conducted on May 10, 2004, at which time the <br />Commission tabled the application to allow the applicant to consider amending the scale of the request. On May 20 the applicant submitted an amended application that reduced <br />the requested side setback variance from 8.5 feet to 4 feet; and, increased the requested <br />front setback variance from 6 feet to 10 feet. <br /> <br />On May 24 the Commission reviewed the amended proposal and recommended approval of the variances requested by the May 20 drawings. Dillerud noted that the Commission <br />found that a physical hardship does exist for the applicant due to the unusual size of the <br />parcel; the amended request permits the reasonable use of the property; and there is no <br />impact from the variances on surrounding properties. <br /> Mayor Hunt asked for the exact placement of the drainfield and where a secondary <br />drainfield would be located. He said the City cannot alternate on drain field requests. <br />Council member DeLapp agreed and voiced his concern if there was indeed enough area <br />that could accommodate a secondary drain field site. Bill Isaacson said his original <br />system was a dry well system. The septic system sits 50’ back from the edge of the road. When he built in 1997, he kept the same exact footprint of the home and was asked to <br />move the house 10’ from the side property line. Planner Dillerud explained there was no