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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 6 <br />M/S/P John/Johnston - to adopt Ordinance No. 97-136, an ordinance rezoning a portion <br />of the Olinger property in Section 10 from RR to R-1 based on the recommendation of <br />the Planning Commission. (Motion passed 4-1: DeLapp’s recommendation is to go with <br />OP along the lake and have open space in the back which would be more compatible.) C. Zoning Variance – 8061 Hill Trail North/ <br />Abrahamson:Resolution No. 2004-054 <br />The City Planner reported that the Planning Commission recommended approval of a <br />zoning variance at 8061 Hill Trail N. to allow an existing Tool Shed of approximately 210 square feet to be retained. The Zoning Ordinance provides that Tool Sheds may not exceed 160 square feet of building area. Structures in excess of 160 square feet are <br />considered Accessory Structures. Only a single accessory structure is permitted in the <br />R-1 zoning district. The screen porch now under construction on this property would <br />become a second accessory structure if the existing 210 square feet structure remains on site without a variance from the 160 square foot maximum “Tool Shed” area requirement. <br />M/S/P Johnston/Dunn - to approve Resolution No. 2004-054, A Resolution approving a <br />variance from Section 300.13 Subd 3.A.1. of the City Code for Carl Abrahamson, 8061 <br />Hill Trail to permit a “Tool Shed” of 210 square feet where the Zoning Ordinance specifies a 160 square foot maximum area for tool sheds, based on the recommendation of the Planning Commission. (Motion passed 5-0). <br /> <br />D. OP Concept Plan- Deer Glen (Lakewood Church):Resolution <br />No. 2004-055 The City Planner reported the Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 14 <br />regarding this application to develop a 48 acre site (a portion of the applicants’ 108 acre <br />site) as an OP development of 18 single family detached lots and 25 acres of Preserved <br />Open Space. The property is located at the southwest corner of Highway 36 and Keats <br />Avenue. <br />Council member Dunn noted the City is very sensitive about the water that goes into <br />Goetschel pond. Dillerud said the City relies on both the City Engineer and the Valley <br />Branch Watershed District to be our advisories regarding flood plain. John Hanson <br />(VBWD) had stated a concern about flood plain mitigation that would be required by the Concept, but had recently conceded that the applicant’s mitigation would likely meet <br />District Policy. That determination would be subject to actual grading plans and a Valley <br />Branch Permit. <br /> <br />Council member Johnston said that the Concept Plan is not consistent with the Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan or the Open Space Preservation Ordinance due to the proposal <br />to significantly alter the natural grades of the site to overcome natural drainage features to <br />create home sites. <br /> <br />M/S/P DeLapp/John - to adopt Resolution No. 2004-055, A Resolution Denying the Open Space Concept plan, dated June 23, 2004, for Deer Glen (Lakewood Evangelical <br />Free Church), as presented based on the following findings: