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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 6, 2004 7 <br /> <br />1. The Concept Plan is inconsistent with the Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan <br />Environmental Protection policies regarding residential developments conforming <br />to the limitations presented by natural features, including natural drainage systems, by proposing significant modifications of natural grades and existing flood plain on the site. <br /> <br />2. The Concept Plan is inconsistent with the purpose of the Lake Elmo Open Space <br />Preservation Ordinance by proposing to significantly alter the natural drainage features of the site. <br />(Motion passed 4-0: Mayor Hunt was absent for the vote.) <br /> <br />Grant Nelson, representative of the Lakewood Church, explained he had extensive discussion with the staff, who tried their best to put together a plan that responded to the city’s open space values. He said he was a bit baffled that the Plan was not in <br />compliance. Nelson stated it was their desire to keep the north 40 acres of the church’s <br />108 acre site open as it is their front yard. <br /> E. Front Yard Garage Waiver:William Deeb, 2333 Legion <br />Avenue:Resolution No. 2004-056 <br /> <br />The Planner reported that William Deeb, 2333 Legion Avenue North, has requested <br />approval to place a 26 foot by 34 foot detached garage structure nearer the front property line than the principal structure, in accordance with sketch plan staff dated July 1, 2004. The proposed garage would be situated above Legion Lane and somewhat screened from <br />the street by existing tees. The property is located on Downs Lake, but the Planner <br />reported that it does not appear that the proposed garage would be visible from Downs <br />Lake. Staff recommended approval of this waiver due to the lake front location of this property and the substantial set back of the proposed garage from the front property line. <br />M/S/P Johnston/DeLapp- to adopt Resolution No. 2004-056, A Resolution approving the <br />location of a 26 foot by 34 foot detached garage structure nearer the front property line <br />than the principal structure for William Deeb at 2333 Legion Lane, per sketch plan staff dated July 1, 2004. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />F. Front Yard Garage Waiver:Link Lavey, 8510 Hidden Bay Trail, <br />Resolution No. 2004-057 <br /> The Planner reported Link Lavey, 8510 Hidden Bay Trail, has applied for a waiver by Resolution to locate a 31 foot by 32 foot garage structure nearer the front lot line than the <br />principal structure (house) on the lot. The garage would be located 10 feet from the north <br />property line (side) and must be 30 feet from the front property line (right-of-way line of <br />Hidden Bay Trail). He reported that the proposed garage would be situated such that existing trees would screen it from Hidden Bay Trail and Lake Demontreville.