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viffage of �Uke '�Rmv <br />UTU012ingtun &unnfg <br />Meeting of the March -1, 1961 Council Meeting Continued- Page 3 <br />the parking area south of the fire house be cleared so the fire -- <br />men would :have a place to park so as not to block the road for t <br />the firs trucks. Trustee Ebne was instructed to make these ar- <br />rangements. <br />Clerk Mehsikomer. was Instructed to send an invoice toPine Springs <br />to cover the fire department standby fee of $ 200.00 for the year <br />beginning March 1, 1961 thru February 28, 1962. <br />]Bruce Abercrombie Mayor appointee as delegate on the District 11 <br />planning Commission was on hand to explain the constitution of <br />this newly formed group. <br />Motion made by Clerk Mehsikomer that the constitution of the <br />planning Commission be accepted and that :cake Elmo accept mem- <br />bership. Second by Trustee Dennis. Carried 4-0. <br />The council also approve the appointment of Bruce Abercrombie <br />as delegate and Mayor Urtel as alternate. <br />Bruce Abercrombie was sworn in as Justice of the :Peace and bond <br />set at 3 1000.00. Clerk instructed to supply the bond forms. <br />Trustee Lloyd Ebne reported that the streets had been plowed <br />and that they were open immediately after the snowfall had quit. <br />He also .reported that the ditch by Mrs Krongaards on 5th Street <br />had been cleared out. <br />Motion by Trustee Dornfeld 2nd by Trustee Ebne that the clerk <br />be authorized to purchase a bulletin board to be set up in the <br />post office For the posting of all notices and minutes of the <br />council. Carried 4-0. <br />Motion by Trustee Ebne 2nd by trustee Dornfeld that the clerk <br />be allowed to r take a course on Municipal Bookkeeping,at a <br />cast of $19.25. Carried 4-0. <br />The following bills were submitted for approgal: <br />Elmer Dittman weed Control_ 96 52.50 <br />Northwestern Bell. Telephone -Fire dept. 39.40 <br />lake Elmo Oil Gas -Fire dept. 2.0.35 <br />Northern States 'Lights -heat -Fire dept. 59.98 <br />Northern States " -Skating Rink 10.86 <br />Northern States " -Streets 79.19 <br />Joe Brochman Caretaker -Rink 72.00 <br />Interstate lumber lumber for Skating Rink 112.02 <br />Motion. by Trustee Dornfeld second by Trustee Ebne that the <br />bills be ordered paid. <br />Clerk Mehsikomer advised that the Railroad had advised that they <br />no longer desired the street light near the station and made the <br />recommendation that the light be moved to the corner of Nepeta <br />and "Seventh St. There being no other business the meeting adjourn- <br />ed at 10.35 PM. <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />