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lgzltage of Uakt '�Rmv <br />Washington Tountg <br />Uakr EI ma, AiltYieouts <br />Minutes of the March -1, 1961 Council TRIeeting continued- Pa-- 2 <br />' orr,i and I,1a.rvin Wendt raise the question as to why they were <br />taxed on the hatchery when that building had been torn down <br />prior to May 11 1960. This being the case the building with <br />a, true and full value of 8 940.00 was removed from the tax <br />roles . Removal of this building had not been reported so <br />the assessor agreed to handle this matter. <br />The village had requested that the county assessor take the <br />assessment for the pe--son,-.l property since this had been approved <br />by law and the assessor ..could be in good position to ma'.e an un- <br />biased report. Because of the numerous requests the assessor's <br />office hard to turn down all requests. This means that the village <br />has no one legally set up to take the assessment; Clerk :.'Lehsikomer <br />was instructed to get legal council on what action need be taken. <br />Clerk TvIehsikomer was also instructed to talk to Rod La..,son relative <br />to getting the property acquired for Park Drive off the tax roles. <br />Norm '.Wendt discussed with the assessor his regiiest for a. tax <br />reduction on the building he purchased from Mr. Beers. Dewey <br />Y-elson advised the tk time to do this was when the board of 're- <br />view met,proba.bly in middle June. Clerk Yehsikomer advised that <br />the notice for this meeting would be posted ahead of time in the <br />post office. <br />Mr. John Huebner presented a request to add on to the building <br />which he owns in Lake Elmo on Park Drive.The addition would in- <br />crease the length of the home by 12 feet. The building is on a. <br />lot which has adequate square footage but is only sixty feet <br />whereas the ordnance specifies 75 feet. The council advised that <br />they would discuss this with the buildi inspector and have him <br />pass along the final decis6on. <br />Citizens committee on water. Tars' Martin Brookman, Hugh Madson, <br />and ,cud Schneider: After considerable discussion on the pro- <br />posed water system it .was decided to reevaluate the wells that <br />were previosly tested. Motion made by Clerk Mehsikomer 2nd by <br />Trustee Dornfeld that the village move to have all the wells <br />tested redone by a private laboratory to determine yhe extent that <br />the water had improved or worsened. Tests would be made for <br />nitrous nitrogen and coloform bacteria. Carried 4-0. <br />Any other home in Lake Elmo could have their water checked at <br />a. flat fee of 34.00 per test. Anyone interested should contact <br />Martin Brookman. The test samples would be picked up starting <br />Saturday March 18, 1961 <br />T_-Yugh Iladson representative of the fire department asked that <br />someone be hired to make sure that snow is removed from in front <br />of the fire house as soon as possible after the snow to make <br />sure the trucks can get out in case of fire. He also asked that <br />