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04-04-61 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-04-61 CCM
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Vittage of Nakt '�Zfmo <br />114nallingfon (16annfg <br />�Uake &lxmr tnuroxtfu <br />Minutes of the April meeting continued. Page 2 <br />committee. They were to get three bids to determine what the <br />cost of this project would be. <br />Clerk Mehsikomer requested permission of the council to move <br />a cottage from his property throughthe village on village <br />streets. Permit granted. 3-0 <br />Mxyn A request was received from the county assessor to pass <br />on a request for reduction in taxes for the buildin located <br />next to the lumber corner on the corner of Fake :Elmo Road and <br />Seventh St. Ii3XgXOX±xdXXiRaxAR <br />Motion by Clerk Mehsikomer second by 'Trustee Roy Dornfeld that <br />request be denied. Motion carried 4-0. <br />A letter from the Washington County Community Chest was read <br />and discussed. The subject of the letter was that if any com- <br />munity wanted to be a part of the community chest they would <br />have to petition to the county group with the signatures of at <br />least 5 % of the registered vote in. the November election. The <br />petition would mean that the village would appoint someone to <br />actively canvass the village during Ore Community Chest Drive. <br />Motion by trustee Roy Dornfeld second by trustee Lloyd Vbne <br />that a petition be drawn up and placedon the village bulletin <br />board with a request to Postmaster Don. Beutel that he ask <br />village residents read and sign if they were in favor of this <br />petition. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Clerk Mehsikomer reported that he and Mayor Urtel had attended <br />the conference on assessing and that according to the county <br />auditor it would be agreeable to appoint the clerk as village <br />assessor. <br />Motion by Trustee Roy Dornfeld second by Trustee Lloyd Ebne <br />that Clerk Mehsikomer be named village assessor. Carried 3-0. <br />Clerk Mehsikomer advised that since a new grocery store would <br />be opening in the village before the next council meeting he <br />should be granted permission to issue a cigarette license. <br />Motion to allow said license made by Clerk Mehsikomer second <br />by Trustee Robert Dennis. Motion Carried 4-0. <br />Motion made by Clerk Mehsikomer second by Trustee Robert <br />Dennis that the ordnance on door to door salesman be printed <br />and mailed to all citizens. Motion Carried 4-0. <br />It was also moved that the residents be advised to request <br />to see the permit from any salesman since they would be re-- <br />quired to get a permit from the village council and that they <br />would be issued a permit signed by the mayor if permit were <br />granted. The addit6on to the motion was also carried 4-0. <br />Clerk Mehsikomer was instructed to arrange to have the ordnance <br />repri.ntd and to have the authorization cards printed. <br />
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