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04-04-61 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-04-61 CCM
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Pzltnt of P6 Pmy <br />NtU41D(Zington 101miLl <br />Minutes of the April meeting continued. Page 3. <br />The motion to limit the number of dogs per household was made <br />by Trustee Roy Dornfeld second by 'Trustee Lloyd Ebne, 4-0. <br />Here is the exact wording of the new ordnance: <br />.AN ORNANCE TO A.M.'-,ND ORDNANCE NO.16 LICENSING AND REG-• <br />TTLAi'ING TIIE KEEPING OP DOGS, OF 'THE VILLAGE OF LAKE <br />ELM09 MINNESOTA. <br />The village Council Of The Village Of Lake ElmggMinnesota, <br />Does Ordain: 1.Tha:t Ordnance 0.16relating to the licens— <br />ing and keeping of dogs is hereby amende by adding thereto Section <br />6.1 reading as follows: <br />Section 6.1. No more than two dogs shall be housed or fed or <br />kept at one time on separate premises owned by any person, <br />persons, groups or corporation within the boun.da.ried of the <br />Village of Lake Elmo except that offspring of dogs may be kept <br />housed and fed for six months after birth. A. separate premise <br />is defined as a separate tract at least of a size on which a single <br />family dwelling may legally stand :and is not within 500 feet <br />of another separate tract of land in the same ownership. No <br />dogs may be housed or fed or kept on a, tract of land smaller <br />than one on which a, single family dwelling may legally stand. <br />2. This ordnance shall take effect and be in force 30 days a <br />after its passage and publication according to law. <br />A request (verbal) was received to grant a par.ttime license <br />for the sale of ONxSaLE Liquors to the VFWof Lake Elmo. <br />Clerk Mehsikomer was 1hotructed to check the laws to determine <br />if such a move would be practical and legal. <br />A letter was received from Woodbury township requesting that <br />Lake Elmo consider the possibility of giving them either part <br />or full fire service. This matter was discussed with local <br />businessmen and the feeling was that they should offer part <br />service. The letter would be passed on to East Oakdale since <br />it would require the approval of both East Oakdale and the <br />Village of Lake .Elmo before we could be discussed with Woodbury. <br />The area we would cover would be from Highway 12 south to <br />Valley Creek Road. The eastern boundary would be the Townline <br />Road(Airport Road) and on the west to Thr Roadio Tower Road. <br />The Citizens Committee reported on the water survey taken the <br />18, 199 and 20th of March 1960. 63 wells in all were tested; <br />the 49 originally tested in 1959 and 14 new wells. On the <br />whole it was felt that the improvement shown was the result <br />of better test samples. Although improvement was noted as to <br />the degree of nitrate nitrogen the number of wells that had <br />showed less than 1 ppm was reduced from 15 to 12. <br />A Motion was made by Trustee Roy Dornfeld second by Trustee <br />Lloyd to bald a second election on a water system. Clerk <br />Mehsikomer was ti make the arrangements. Carried 4--0. <br />
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