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ritfa e of Hake ' Imo <br />11Utuslttx,�tun �nixntg <br />1 <br />. �eYI2C ��CLIt1YQ, �T.[YYYYCSD'�kY <br />!'.Jinute ; of the Aprild- meeting continued. Page 4 <br />Recommended date for the election was set as Tuesday P,Iay 9, <br />1961. <br />Clerk Mehsikomer was instructed. to send s, letter of thanks <br />to each of the fourteen additional citizens that had their <br />water tested and give them a copy of the report as it pertained <br />to them in particular. <br />Meeting adjourned at 9:35PM, <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />