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riffage o Nape Etmv <br />'%U11104ington (lx+nntg <br />Fgmhe gLYttO, A.Sltmovitt <br />November 279 1961 <br />Cont'd, Page 3. <br />1) A complete plot plan showing the building or buildings <br />and surrounding land areas of the entire project must be submit- <br />ted for approval by the lawful governing body, when building per- <br />mit is applied for. <br />2)A complete set of building.plans and specifications, sew- <br />erage disposal, and water supply plans must accompany the plot <br />plan. <br />3) The lawful governing body may submit theseplansfor <br />consideration and recommendations for the: Planning. Commission® <br />tsxs 4) Area and design requirements must be such as to est- <br />ablish a Business and Commercial.District which will best serve <br />the general welfare and benefit of the entire vi.11age,.andprovide <br />service areas. <br />5)Adequate areas shall be provided for loading and unloading <br />of delivery trucks and other vehicles including.emp.loyee parking; <br />servicing of shops by refuse collection, fuel, fire, and other <br />service vehicles; automobile accessways; and.pedestrian walks. <br />Such areas shall be paved with anacceptablehard service. <br />6)Not less than 3 square feet.of automobile <br />with suitalle access shall be provided for each square foot of <br />gross floor area is devoted to patron use, <br />SECTION IV The following described area is hereby designated <br />as an Industrial District; <br />10 Block 2 of Elmo Park as surveyed and plotted. <br />2) That tract of land described as follows: Commencing at <br />the intersection of the East boundary line of the:.Village.of Lake <br />Elmo with the centerline of Minnesota Highway 212, runningthenoe S <br />South along the East boundary line of the Village.of Lake,. .lmo <br />to the South line of Sixth Street, running.thence Southwesterly <br />along the South line of Sixth Street to the of Kalmia <br />Avenue,running thence Northerly along the centerline of Kalmia <br />Avenue to the centerline of third Street taxthxxxxxitXatixxxxi <br />ikxnigiRrx*xRxxRX running thence East along the centerline of Third <br />Street to the centerline of Juniper Avenue,running thence North <br />along the centerline of Juniper Avenue to the centerline of Minnesota <br />Highway 212, running thence Northeasterly along the centerline of <br />Minnesota Highway 212 to the point of beginning. <br />3) The Northerly 133 feet of the Easterly 200 feet of the <br />tract of land bounded on the East by Lake Elmo Road and on the North <br />by Seventh Street. <br />A. The following, regulations &hall apply in said Industrial District: <br />1) A building may be erected or used and a lot may be used <br />or opupied for any lawful industrial or manufacturing <br />purpose or any use authorized inthe Business and Commercial <br />District except the purposes specified below or any purpose <br />substantially similar to any specified below, provided that no <br />use which is noxious or hazardous shall be permitted. The prohibited <br />uses are as follows: <br />a) Excavating of sand, gravel, rock or dirt for the purpose <br />of processing or selling such excavated materials. No sand, gravel, <br />or rock pits shall be opened or maintained. <br />