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riffage of taht '�Ztmv <br />Vao4ingtnn (4vuutg <br />aloe ovembberer fi1961 <br />N <br />Conttd Page 2 <br />SECTION IIIZ The following described area is hereby desig- <br />nated as a Business District and Commercial District: <br />1)That land in the Village of Lake Elmo lying North of the <br />centerline of Minnesota Highway 212 as now Laid out. <br />2)That tract of land boundixged on the North by the center- <br />line of Minnesota Highway 212, on the East by the centerline of <br />KalmiaAvenuer on. the South by the South line of Sixth.Street,and <br />on the West by the West boundary of the Village of Lake Elmo. <br />Except that pant of said tract surveyed and platted as Block 2 <br />of Elm �aa Park. <br />3)That tract of land bounded on the North by the centreline <br />of Minnesota Highway 212, on the East by Juniper Avenue,on the <br />South by 'Third Street and on the West by Kalmia Avenue. <br />A.The Following regulations shall apply in said Business and Com- <br />mercial District and a building may be erected or usedand a lot <br />may be used or occuppied only for thefollowing purposes: <br />otel or a Motel. <br />2 Retail store, restaurant, office, agency, or studio, bank <br />personal service and craftmen's shop, mortuary. <br />3)Public garage, service station, automobile sales agency, <br />parking garage,,or lot, provided all facilities are located <br />and all services are condue.ted on the. lot. <br />4 Newspaper publishing; job printing establishment. <br />5�Theatre, provided a drive-in type obtain a special permit. <br />6)Public or private school, hospital, club, or lodge. <br />7)Hand or automatic self service laundry. <br />8 Bakery or confectionary shop, for the production of art- <br />icles to be sold only at retail on the premises. <br />B.The following uses are permitted when authorised by the lawful <br />governing body as a special exception: <br />1)Distributing station for milk.or other beverages;oatting <br />or hauling station. <br />2)Place of amusement, rereation, or assembly other.than a <br />thaetre, when conducted indoors. <br />3)Yard for starage, sale, and distribution of ice, coal, fuel <br />oil or building materials,when enclosed within a fence of not less than <br />six feet in height, but not including junk yard, salvage, auto- <br />mobile or other wrecking yard. <br />4)Any use of the same general character as any of.those set <br />forthin Section III A. provided that no use which is noxious or <br />hazardous shall be permitted. <br />OThe following area and design requirements shall apply in.the <br />Business and Commercial District: <br />