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12-05-61 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-05-61 CCM
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Pixage of ake '�frao <br />u4mlti"tan axtuntg <br />`Xalu '�flma, Ainnesotn <br />Minutes of Meeting December 5, 1961 <br />Attending: Louie Urtel, Robert. Dennis, Roy Dornfeld, Lloyd Ebne and <br />Donald 141ehsikomer. <br />Meeting called to order by Mayor Urtel at 8:15PM. <br />Erick Scheel, Building Inspector, recently attended a convention <br />regarding fallout shelters. He gave us general description and a <br />copy of a print on the ideal shelter. The print would be kept on <br />file in the clerks office for use by any village citizen. <br />Clerk was instructed to get a zoning map for the ,_building inspactor. <br />Bill Banister., Village Engineer, was on hand to dlscusi�th pro- <br />cedure regarding publication of notice for bid on Village ell. <br />Robert Dennisintroduced and moved the adoption of the following <br />resolution: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORD* <br />eying ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. <br />WHEREAS,the village enginners,, Banister Engineering Co.,have <br />prepared plans and specifications for the well,.designated as Pro- <br />ject No. 1, included within the water improvvement ordered by re- <br />solution dated June 15, 1961, and have presented such plans and <br />specifications to the council for approval; <br />THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF LAKE ELMO, <br />MINNESOTA . <br />1, Such plans and specifications, copies of which are attached <br />hereto, and made a part thereof, are hereby approved. Said improve- <br />ment, ordered June 15, 19619 is hereby designated " Water Improve- <br />ment No.111. <br />2. The village clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted <br />in the Stillwater weekly Gazette, the official paper, the <br />Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids for the construct- <br />ion of said Project No.19Water Improvement No.1 under such approv- <br />edplans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published <br />as required by law, shall specify the work to be done, shall call <br />for the bids upom the basis of a cash payment for such work, shall. <br />call that bids will be opened and considered by the council at <br />7:30PM on January 21 1962 in the Fire Hall in said.village, that <br />no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk <br />and accompanied by a cash deposit or certified check or bidders <br />bondpayable to the clerk for five peroent(5%) of the amount of <br />such bid and that the advertisement shall state a completiondate <br />of March 15, 1962. <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was ±kx <br />duly seconded by Roy Dornfeld, and upon vote being taken the <br />following voted in favor: Robert Dennis, Roy Dornfeld,: Lloyd Ebne, <br />and Don Mehsikomer. and the following voted against: None. <br />Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />
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