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Minutes of May 23, 1962 council meeting continued. <br />Banister Engineering presented an approved bill covering the <br />balance on the well of $8001.10 for a total of $12,781.50. The <br />Clerk was authorized to make payment to Keys Well Drilling Co. <br />Lloyd Ebne introduced and moved the adoption of the following <br />resolution: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC SALE OF WATER IMPROVE* <br />MENT BONDS <br />Be it resolved by the Council of the Village of Lake Elmo, Minnesota. <br />1.Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, as amended, and <br />upon public notice and hearing as therein required, the Village <br />has ordered the construction of an improvement designated as Water <br />Improvement No.11 and has advertised for bids and entered into <br />contraeys for a portion of such oonstruction, and the total cost <br />thereof, includingthe cost of work under daid contracts and add- <br />itional work to be performed, and all other expenses necessary <br />to be incurred in connection with the improvement, is estimated <br />at present to be $1909000. <br />2.Said improvement shall be financed by the issuance of improve- <br />ment bonds, for the payment fo which the full faith and credit of <br />the Village shall be pledged. A separate fund is hereby established <br />for said improvement, which shall be designated the Water Improve= <br />ment No. 1 Fund. The proceeds from the sale of the bonds herein <br />provided for and from the collections of special assessments for <br />the improvement and any other moneys appropriated thereto by the <br />village shall be paid Into such fund. <br />3.This Council shall meet at the time and place designated in the <br />form of notice herein contained for the purpose of receiving, <br />1 opening and ednsidering sealed bids for and awarding the sale of <br />said bonds; andthe Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to <br />cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be <br />published in the Stillwater Weekly Gazette, the official paper <br />of the village, and in the Wommercial West, a financial newspaper <br />published at Minneapolis, Minnesota, which notice shall 1ae in <br />substantially the following farm: <br />NOTICE OF SALE <br />$190,000 Water IMPROVEMENT BONDS <br />VILLAGE OF LAKE ELMO, WASEING'T'ON COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GI13EN that the Council of the Village of Lake <br />Elmo, Minnesota, will meet at the Fire Hall in said village at <br />8.00P.M., Central daylight saving time, on Thursday the 21st day <br />of June, 1962, to receive, open, and consider sealed bids for and <br />award the sale of its negotiable coupon general obligation Water <br />Improvement Bonds in the principal amount of $190,0009 to be issued <br />to pay expenses incurred and -to be incurred in the construction <br />ofWater Improvement No.1, pursuant to the provisions and under the <br />authority of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, as amended. Said <br />bondswill be dated July 1, 1962, will be in the denomination of <br />$1,000each; will bear interest at the rate or rates to be desig- <br />nated bythe successful bidder in integral multiples of or 1/10 <br />of 10 perannum, payable July 1, 1963, and semiannually thereafter <br />on January 1 and July 1 of each year and. will mature serially on <br />January 1 in the years and amounts as follows: <br />$51000 1964- 1967 <br />l 10,0001968- 1984 <br />