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05-22-62 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-22-62 CCM
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Minutes of May 23, 1962 council meeting continued. <br />( NOW THEREFORE BE If RESOLVED by the Village Council of the <br />Village of Lake Elmo, Minnesota: <br />1..The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter <br />into a contract with Rivard and Sons Inc. for $103,564.45 in the <br />name of the Village of lake Elmo for Water Improvement No.1, Pro- <br />ject No.2; and Mayor and. Clerk are further authorized and direct- <br />ed to enter into a contract with Universal Construction C. for <br />$29,830.00 in the name of the Village of Lake Elmo for Water Im- <br />provement No. 1, Project No.3, according to the plans and specif- <br />ications thereof heretofore approved by the Village Council and <br />on file in the office of the Village Clerk. <br />2.The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return <br />forthwith to all bidders xxt the deposits made with their bids <br />except the deposits of the successful bidders and the next low- <br />est bidders shall be retained until contracts have been signed. <br />The motion was seconded by Lloyd Ebne and upon vote being <br />taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: <br />Dornfeld, Ehne, and Mehsikomer. Against None. <br />Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passes and adopted. <br />Roy Dornfeld introduced and move the adoption of the following <br />•resolutions RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND <br />ORDERING ADVERTISEMENTS FOR BIDS Whereas, the village engineers <br />Banister Engineering Co.,_ have prepared plans and specifieations <br />for a pupp and appurtenances, designated as Project No.49, and a <br />pumphouse, designated as Project No.5, both included within the <br />water improvement ordered by resolution dated June 15, 1961,and <br />have presented such plans and specifications to the Council for <br />approval: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF <br />LAKE ELMO, MINNESOTA: <br />1. Such plans and specifieations, copies of which are attached <br />hereto, and made a part thereod, are hereby approved. Said im- <br />provement has heretofore been designated Water Improvement No.1. <br />2.The Village Clerk shall preapre and cause to be inserted in <br />the Stillwater Weekly Gazette, the official paper, and in the <br />Construction BAlletin advertisements for bids for the construction <br />of said Project No-4 and Project N0.5. Water Improvement No.1 <br />under such approved plane and specifications. The advertisements <br />shall be published as required by law, shall spedify the work to <br />be done, shall call for bids upon the basis of a cash payment <br />for such work, shall state that bids will be opened and consider- <br />ed by the council at 7:30P.M. on June 21, 1962 for Project No.4 <br />and 7:30 P.M. on June 219 1962 for Project No.50 both in the <br />Fire Hall in said village, that no bids will be considered unless <br />sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit <br />or certified check or bidder's bond payable to the Clerk for <br />five percent(5%) of the amountof the bid and that the advertise- <br />ment shall state a completion date of October 1, 1962 for Project <br />N0.49, and October 1, 1962 for Project No.5. The Motion for the <br />adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly secondedby L.Ebne <br />and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor: <br />Dornfeld, Ebne, and Mehsikomer Against None. <br />Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />
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