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V91age of sake g1mo <br />waoltingtun (llunntg <br />giaxke Flmu, 4RhMenfu 55042 <br />MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO 'VILLAGE COUNCIL NOVEMBER 4t 1969. <br />Meeting celled to order at 7:18PM by JffxXzzxJdzzxkmzv.Trustee Abercrombie. <br />Present: Brookmant AbercroaibietBoorman,Ebne,Raleigh.Meyer & Mehsilamomer. <br />Minutes of the October 7, 1969 meeting read and approved. <br />Council established the hours of the December 2, 1969 election from <br />4:00 PM to 8:OOPM. Judges selected are Luella Haseelyt Ella Nippoldt <br />and Clerk Mehaikomer.. <br />Request of NSP tp put service in on Third Street approved but it is <br />to be put in on side opposite the water main and with the stipulation that <br />if any repair work or moving is to be done later dud to new service it <br />will be at the expense of NSP'.. <br />Mr. and Mrs. James Schaefer requested that they receive water service <br />to their new home which is being built on the West aide of Rose Ave just <br />off 7th St.Trustee Abe*crombie to check feasability with Banister Eng. <br />and based on their recommendation will proceed with request. <br />Norm Wendt requested that the restriction placed on the utility building <br />on his property on Rose Ave. be lifted. It was originally decided that <br />a special use permit would be issued for the building with the stipulates- <br />inn that it be used only for garage and storage and that if the property <br />were sold the building would have to be removed. The couoil discussed <br />this matter and decided that since it was stated that the request was <br />not because of intent to sell that 3m the requirement would stand. Any <br />request to change should be made if the property were to be sold and <br />would be acted on at that time. <br />lea Goerss,representing the 3M Club, requested that the council issue <br />an ON SALE Liquor license for weekday and Sunday to the Tattan Park <br />Club houeet The following reolution was presented and approve by both <br />the Lake• Elmo Village Council and the Eaet Oakdale Townboard.. <br />WHEREAat an application has been made by the 3M Employees Club for a <br />license to sell intoxicating liquors "'on —sale" at the location if its <br />new club house; and <br />WHEREAS, tkzxexAxzx the new club house is located within that area of <br />the Village of Lake Elmo which was formerly part of the Town of East <br />Oakdale; and <br />WHEREAS, there does not appear to be any reason why said license should <br />not be granted; <br />IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Council of the Village of Lake Elmo and <br />the Town Board of the former Town of East Oakdalet pursuant to authority <br />granted said council and board under the provisions if Chapter 414 of <br />the Minnesota Statutes (specifically,. section 414.02,Subdivision 5 (5) <br />thereof) and other applicable laws and that certain order of the Muni— <br />cipal Commission dated Oct.16,1969, that a license be issued to the 3M <br />Employees Club for the sale of intoxicating liquorst"on sale" upon <br />compliance with the appropriate procedures provided by state law and <br />local ordinance which license shall be effective as of the date to be <br />determined in accordance with those laws and ordinances. <br />Approved by a unanimous vote of both the Village Coucil and Town Board. <br />