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Vittage of Hake Pmo <br />WIT04in0vu (6muttu <br />futhe ''&luw, 46innesnta 551142 <br />Minutes of the Lake Elmo Village Council Meeting March 3, 1970. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:30PM by Mayor Brookman. <br />Present:Abercrombie,Brookman,Watiteen,S.hervheim,Friedrich,Park & Mehsikomer. <br />;{ Communication from State of Minnesota Highway Depatment on a public <br />hearing regarding the proposed construction of the following trunxk <br />highway route,'Interstate Route 94 between its junction with Trunk Hwy <br />494-694 and the St. Croix River'. All members of the o9uncil are en— <br />couraged to attend. this meeting and will meet at the Villa*e Hall at <br />7:PM and ga enmews to the meeting at Lakeland Jr.. High School. <br />Report sn the committee concerning the appointment of members -to, the <br />Planning Commission. It was recommended that the Commission be comprised <br />of nine members. The following names were submitted for approval, <br />William Lundquist, Jack Evert® Tom.Torseth, Leonard Kirvida, Maynard Eder, <br />David Boorman, Bather Tomljonavich and Bruce Fels.. The ninth member still <br />to be decided. Motion made by Councilman Abercrombie second by Councilman <br />Watson that the xiaix council accept the .recommendation of the committee. <br />The vote was unanimous. William Lundquist was appointed Chairman., <br />Lee Raleigh had requested that his appointment as weed inspector be <br />withdrawn. Councilman Watson moved and Councilman Abercrombie seconded <br />the motion that Leo Raleigh's naive be withdrawn. Unanimeus yes vote. <br />Wm. Park clerk of the former Town, of East Oakdale requested that a <br />board of audit be appointed to audit the final financial statement of <br />the Town of East Oakdale.. Mayor Brookman appointed Robert Watson, Lloyd <br />Shervheim and Maynard Eder as the board of audit. Meeting scheduled. for <br />Monday March 9, 1970 7:30PM at the residence of William Park. <br />Mayor Brookman administered the Oath of Office to William Park as the <br />Treasurer and Donald Mehsikomer as: the Clerk for the Village of Lake Elmo. <br />Report received that the gas inspector had found the installations at <br />itz Pemtom had used incorrect materials. These will be corrected. <br />Motion by Councilman Watson second by Councilman Friedrich that Ray <br />Dornfeld be appointed as the gas inspector for. the Village of Lake Elmo. <br />Carried unanimously. <br />Clerk instructed to write the Building Inspector faun for the old Village <br />of Lake Elmo and inform, him that his appointment was no longer in force <br />since this is an appointment responsibility of the new council.,Olerk <br />to include appreciation of the old council and inform.Mr. Siegfried that <br />he was eligible to apply for the position if he cared to.. <br />Mr. Seam Morgan of the Metro Park Preserve was in attendance at the <br />request of the council to answer questions regarding the possible state <br />park in the Village. Mr., Moran advised that seven sights were receiving <br />consideration and that Lake Elmo had one of these sights. Question was <br />asked regarding when a decision would be reached regarding the final <br />selection. Mr. Morgan could not speak officially but estimated: that July <br />1t 1970 would be a good estimate. Approximately 70 residence:mtezex±xx <br />ffik,t of the village were in attendance and Mayor Brookman asked hew many <br />were opposed to. a park in the village.z No objections were received. <br />Meeting recessed at 9:15 and reconvened at 9:35PM. <br />