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04-27-70 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-27-70 CCM
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Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Lake Elmo,Vill.age Council April <br />27, 1970. <br />Meeting called to order at: 7:30PM by Mayor Brookman.. <br />:Present-.Breokman,Watson,Abercrembie,Shervheim,Priedrich and Mehsikomer, <br />( Absents Park. <br />Councilman Watson introduced the following resolution and moved its a- <br />doption: RESOLUTION CALLING PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET IMPROVEMNENTS. <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Lake Elmo, Minn. <br />as follows: <br />1.The Village Council deems it necessary and expedient that the Vil. <br />lage of Lake Elmo, Minnesota, conduct certain street improvements, all as <br />ore particularly described in and accordance with preliminary plans <br />more <br />specifications and report prepared by its consulting engineers, Beae <br />stroa,Rosene, A.nderlik & Associates, Inc. <br />2.The Council hasbeen advised by the consulting engineers that the <br />proposed improvements are feasible and. should best be made as proposed <br />and the consulting engineers' report to this effect has heretofore been <br />received by the council. <br />3.A public hearing will be held in the Village of Lake :Elmo, Minn., <br />in.the Village IIall on the 12th day of May0970 at (7-:00 o'olock PM to <br />consider the improvements described in the Notice of Hearing hereinafter <br />set forth. <br />4.The nature of the improvements, are estimated cost thereof, and <br />the areas proposed to be assessed -therefor are described in the form <br />of Notice of Bearing hereinafter set forth. <br />5.The notice of said public hearing shall be in substantially the <br />following form. <br />A.At 7.00PM 11th Street West of Airport Read. <br />B:.At 7:30PM Old T.H. 212 in Section 14 westerly from Eagle <br />Point Road to terminous with new T.H.212. <br />C.At 8:OOPM Eagle Point Read from T.H. 212 northerly 1850'.. <br />D.At 8:30PM Lake Shore Drive, <br />E.At 9:OOPIVI Lake Jane Drive northeast of Lake Jane Road. <br />E`.At 9:30PM Lake: Jane Read. from Olson Lake Drive easterly <br />along present alignment for 8,800' to point just beyond <br />Lake Jane Drive. <br />6.The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause <br />n0ticeof said hearing to be given two publications in the Official news— <br />paper - Said publications shall be one week apart, and at least three <br />drays shall elapse between the last publication and the hearing. Not less <br />thanten days before the hearing, the Clerk shall mail notice of the hear— <br />ing to the owner of such parcel of land within thearea.s proposed to be <br />assessed. <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded <br />by Councilman Abercrombie and upon a tote being taken thereon, the <br />following voted in favor thereof: UNANIMOUS. <br />Against: NO Nil,". <br />( 'Wherdupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />Richard Johnson,.Donald Meyer,Howard Springborn came to the meeting at <br />the request of the Council and agreed to serve on a study committee <br />relative to refuse and waste pickup in the Village of Lake Elmo. The <br />Council briefed the committee on the overall problem and requested that <br />they conduct a study of the situation as it applies to the area and <br />come up with a proposal for an ordinance within 2 months. The Mayer <br />advised the committee that if the time was not adequate he would rather <br />have them take a little more time and come up with a good eomprehehsive <br />report. Tom Schwartz was not at the meeting but agreed to serve on the <br />committee. <br />
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