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06-16-70 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-16-70 CCM
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MAYOR <br />CALVIN BROOKMAN <br />COUNCILMEN <br />ROBERT WATSON <br />ROBERT B. ABERCROMBIE <br />LLOYD 8H ERVH El <br />LEHART FRIEDRICH <br />CLERK <br />DONALD MEHBIKCMER <br />TREASURER <br />WILLIAM PARK <br />3jxlfage of '�Ukt '�tmo <br />Wns4hVtnn (4vuntg <br />Xvike �iluro, 414111estli 1 <br />55042 <br />Minutes of the Lake ram?mo Village ge Vounoi l June 16s 197meeting, <br />, <br />oet.,i ng called; to order at 7 4 35IN dry Mayor £dreolman, <br />3?rosrantc Brook mans Aborcrombt s 8horvhe1%s Vriodrich kind Mahaikofter# <br />Absent% Watson kind Park* <br />Minutes of the June 2s 19'tO meeting approved as publishad. <br />Mr, and Ctrs, David Arnesoup 3881 Stillwater Road Appeared before the Council to <br />request a Special Use ixasr mit► ThV wi.tsda to divide the double Prage in th ,k,.n <br />house into two seetion s; half gariage and %calf into a harms beauty shop# Motion <br />by tlounollman Sharvholm# dnd, y Gounoilmon ftiodrioh that the 4601121 use Permit <br />be allowed subject to the following vonditiaarnsl 1. No hired 141pl 2. Room for the <br />parld,ng of three guest carol 3o i%ximom sign sire is six squarer ft, Carried 4,0 <br />Wo Vanasow requested that the QoOnoil tatre users action rela.ti , e to the soil that <br />is coming on to his prespo�kty after each.raln* Ho stated that If corrective action <br />was not tq'kon fie wed1 d take legal action, Motion b,;, OounoiUan Abercrombie* 2nd. <br />by Councilman Friedrich that this matter be 'turned over to the 'yillaao Uvineer <br />and the Village Attorney for eanoilderation tth instructions for them to report <br />back to the Craunoi,l. Motion eaarried -0# <br />Notion bj Cou:aoilmmman Abercrombie# 2n(°d by Gounolmau Shervhaim Vat Bollestroo and <br />Associates be allowed to advertise for bids on than mead oonstruct lton projects Uated <br />as ttaaa(d, Improvements 1.970, Bids would be a.coopted at the Vil aaj,-�e Office thru 10#OM <br />on X iedeys duly 17s 1970, Rids wild be opened and turned over to the gnginear for <br />review and recommendation to the Council at the next Council. meeting, Carried 4.0, <br />Those among In favara Aborarommmbiop naskmaun* Friedrioh# & Shorvheim, Against, 0, <br />Ljoyd tihervheim reported that the esaTRILAttee considering the insurance problem was <br />hold up for waaTat of more definite answers to saga of the questions they had asked, <br />Councilmen Shorvhar.kv suggested that to personally see that, the answers are eacaurmulateed <br />aukd turned over to the comn li tt;es, <br />Clerk readnded the council that Aurae 30., 19170 from 1000 AN to 3s30 1 vvas the time <br />set aside for individuals uith Personal or diet fropetty tax questions to present them to <br />the Board of Review* Thus includes all the Council su .th the meeting hold in the Village <br />Council chamberso <br />Mayor Brookman advised that he and Cc unoi,lmmman Watson had met, with the highcaay department <br /> the cost of the Villaa€ e of the land that the states had used for as gravel pit <br />sand had vacated, Ho decision was rrached but another was set for Tuzes> Juno 2 s <br />1970 at 1200 Noon at the Elmo Inn, <br />)lotion by Coo no1matr Abercromlmbies 2nd.s by Counel lmman ShezThaiin that the request of <br />:tap jangle for a Sever installers License be approved, Motion carried 4-C. <br />11omtom requested information as to whether or no they would be permitted to have a <br />.2 License whoa they open their clubhouse, Cleatc was advised to inform Vemtum that <br />f everything is in order that a'; 3,2 license spay be avallab'�a when the time comes. <br />
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