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Minutes of the Laze Elmo Villa is Meeting; coritd. June 16, 1970- <br />June June 24, 1970 is the hearing of the Metro Sewor Board as it pertains to among other <br />locations, Lake Elmo (W 9 N B) Sower District), if Robert Watson is back in titan he <br />should be advised of the meeting and urged to attend.. If he is stall out a possible <br />substitute should be named. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim, 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie that, the attached <br />resolution covering Mobile mark Hcmaes, our objections to than a nd why be submitted to <br />the Metropolitan Council before the hearing that is scheduled for Tutlsday June 23, 1970 <br />at 000 PH in the County Hoard :Room Washington County Office Bldg. Sit -Ill rater, Minn. <br />Carried 4-0, <br />Don Raleigh instructed to write to Raymond Leon Anderson, 1315 Lake Elmo Road, advising <br />him that puiuping of raw sewage, even on him own property, is not permitted and any <br />reoecurance of this pumping; would result in a violation of a Village Ordinance and would <br />In prosecuted+ <br />Donald Raleigh advised to write a Ater to Hammon and advise them that no more permits <br />for gravel from their pits would be issued. <br />Motion by Council: an.Abercrombi.e$ 2nd by Councilman Friedrich that the request from <br />3M Club for a gun range bt, approved subject to the following conditions. Special <br />use permit would be normally ?or one year except that the first year would be only <br />for the balance of oalender year 1970. That the Village Council reserves the right to <br />cancel the permit at any time without any cost to the Council or the Village of Lake Elmo. <br />That approval be held up to determine if a publ:ie hearing on requested special use <br />permit is required, Final ac0on on this motion was delayed until the next meeting. <br />Motion by Councilman Abercrombie) 2nd by Councilman Shorvheim that Ordinance #113, <br />(copy attached) which is an ordinance to incorporate by reference the Highway Traffic <br />Regulation .Act of the State of Minnesota be approved. Carried 4-0. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervkaeim,, 2nd by Councilman :Abercrombie that Ordinance #114# <br />(copy attache!) which is an Ordinance k'ixirag haximum Punishment For Ordinance <br />Violations and amending Prior Villag00rd7inances Calling For Punishment For Violations <br />Thereof be approvedo Carried ON <br />Clerk instructed to invite a member of D & H Patrol to come to the next Council mooting <br />prepared with a contract. The Council would then act on the Dog Ordinance and set <br />up a definite program for policing of the ordinance. <br />Employee Benefit Program. Enid holidays 8 (Cbristmas, New Years, Thanksgiving, July lath, <br />Memorial Day* Labor Day) Veterans Day and one day for the Washington -Lincoln holiday.) <br />Holidays which are not preassigned that fall on a Saturday will be taken on the Friday <br />proceeding the Holiday, Those which fall on Sunday mill be celebrated on the Monday <br />following the actual Holiday/ <br />Sick Love An employee will be given fi days nick leave the first year. Sick <br />leave is not collectable until after the third day of alsence said then becomes retro- <br />active to the first day of absence. An employee may incroane the amount of sick leave <br />up to a total of 12 days h; faithfull attendance at work. For each two month period, <br />(Jan..8eb,A Liar -Apr, Tray -June etc.) where no time is taken one clay will be added to <br />the sick: leave for the following yea, this would allow a maximum of 12 days. This <br />includes the E days allowed plus the days accumulated. <br />Vacation. one year -one weekg two yeas or more --two weeks. <br />