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MAYOR <br />CALVIN BROOKMAN O E ROBERT WATSON 3ylage of <br />iUkt Imo <br />ROBERT B. ABERCROMBIE <br />j LLOYD BHERVHEIM 114104ingtvn C2annfu <br />l LEHART FRIEDRICH 7( <br />c LERKd kiiiC�TICUCklki l'S Ukk <br />DONALD MEHSIKOMER 1i504.1 <br />TREASURER MINUTE: OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 79 1970 <br />WILLIAM PARK <br />Meeting called, to order at 7:3OPIvt by Mayor Brookman:. <br />Present.Brookman,Watson,Shervheim,Friedrieh,Park & Mehsikomer. <br />&bsent:Abercrombie. <br />Motion by Councilman Watson 2nd by Councilman Shervheim that the minutes <br />of the June 16, 1970 meeting be approved as written. Carried 4-0. <br />Elmer Richert discussed the items that he felt should be considered and <br />taken care of in the Village of Lake Elmo. <br />Grader is in need of complete overhall. Probable cost in the area <br />of 810,000. New equipment cost in the 336,000 area. <br />Signs: Suggested NO Parking sign on 6th St. on the South side and <br />East of Lake Elmo Road. YIELD Signs for 7th, 10th, Rose,North <br />Share Drive, Total 9 signs. LEFT & RIGHT TURN signs on Lake Jane <br />Road. STOP Signs for North Shore Dr. & Nepeta, and for the inter <br />section of 11t:h and Geranium. EXXMINN)PERMITS REQUIRED AND EN— <br />FORCED. 40 signs. <br />Elmer was advised to discuss this with Councilman Friedrich and then <br />have the Village Office request quotes for the signs that are <br />actually needed and approved. <br />WEEDS: Several locations in the Village are in need of weed control <br />( immediately. Elmer advised to give the names of the parties that <br />are in violation of the County Weed Ordinance xxt to Edna Beers of <br />the Clerk's Office and she should send letters advising them of the <br />action that is required of them and the deadline for corrective <br />action.. <br />Elmer haw talked to the railroad and they hope that in 1971 they <br />will be able to improve the crossing on Rose Ave to include hard. <br />surface bituminous tha same as at Lake Elme Road. <br />Graveling on Rose St. should begin. <br />Water department needs several gate valve boxes replaced. <br />Roof on.the well pumphouse is leaking and in need of repair. <br />Landscaping at the Village Hall has not been started.. <br />Suggest we consider a second truck for snowplowing. Possibly a <br />one ton, four wheel drive pickup with a plow. <br />Signs should be obtained shanging the nomes on the side of the <br />equipment so that it shows Village of Lake Elmo not East Oakdale. <br />Case tractor needs 2 new front tires.. Quote of $102.50/pr.. <br />Village in need of a wider and air compressor. <br />Robert Wier Hospitalization. It: was suggested that Elmer have Bob <br />maintain his present plan until the Village Insurance plan .has <br />been received and accepted and Bob is covered. The Village will. <br />reimburse Bob for the period that he maintained his own coverage. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Watson that <br />Ordinance #115 regarding care and keeping of dogs be accepted as written <br />nd passed.. Motion carried 4/0. Ordinance would go into effect an Aug. <br />6, 1970 which is approx. 30 days after publication. B & E'Patrol have <br />been. ckntracted with and they will conduct periodic surveilance and will <br />be deputized to issue tickets for unlicensed dogs. Dogs which are picked <br />