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Minutes of Axxx July 7, 1970 meeting cant°d Page 2. <br />up by B & E Patrol will be housed at their kennels for 5 days. If the <br />dog is not claimed it becomes the property of B & E Patrol and the dog <br />will be *turned over to the Univ. of Minn. for their lab use. <br />Dog owners may obtain their dog license by presenting their fee of'$2, <br />for a male or spayed female or $$ 4 for a female along with a certificate <br />showing that dog has received rabies shots within the :last. year. -to the <br />Village Clerk or his staff at the Village Office. <br />A United States Flag which had 'been flown from the USS St. Paul* a heavy <br />cruiser, was presented by Commander of the VFW Post 5725� Bill Henning, <br />to to Mayor Calvin Brockman, This flag will be retian.ed and used for the <br />flag raising ceremonies of the newx flag pole. The new prole is to be a <br />lift of the Lake :Elmo Lions Club. The council agreed that the most.ap> <br />propriate location its at the Southeast corner of the Village Hall. <br />Legal Counsel Donald Raleigh pointed out that Special use permits required <br />the Planning Commission to have a hearing of all affected people within <br />250 ft. of the area affected by the permit, After it is determined that <br />t.herd are no: objections then the P C makes their recommendation for ap>- <br />proval to the council. Matters pertaining to the 3M Gun Range and the <br />Aronson Bueaty Parlor referred back to the P.C, for necessary action, <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim second by Councilman Friedrich that <br />Edna Beers be appointed ax Cammissioner of Voter Registration to assist <br />the Village Clerk in Venter Registrations in the Village of Lake Elmo for <br />as long as she is a member of the Village Clerk's Staff'. Carried 4-0. <br />Councilman Shervheim moved and Councilman Watson seconded the motion.that <br />When a new hospitalization policy has been set up for the Village Employ- <br />ees that, Robert Wier be reimbursed for the period that he was not pre• <br />vously covered.Carried 4-0.. <br />1 Pemtem.Inc. had submitted a letter requesting that certain bends that <br />they are required. to carry for work completion be dropped since -the work <br />or certain portions thereof had been completed. Decision to withhold any <br />action. until we receive a report from Mr. Grover of Bonestroo & Assoc,, <br />Councilman Watson and Councilman. Shervheim seconded the motion that the <br />Village Engineer be authorized to proceed with and complete a comprehen- <br />sive sewer plan for the Village of Lake :Elmo at a cost of $5g700.00. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />Motion by Councilman Watson second by Councilman Shervheim that the <br />Certified check from Mr. Houle be returned. Carried 4--0., <br />Motion bybCouncilman Watson second by Councilman Friedrich that we have <br />Jim Olson Village Fiscal Agent at the Meeting July 219 1970 to discuss <br />the ac:quisiti.on of property by -the E Village. Matien Carried 4-0, <br />Time of meeting was moved up to 7sOOPM with Mr. Olsen let an program. <br />Planning dommission to be advised of the meeting. Mr. Evert a member of <br />the Commission would carry the inviitd&tion back to the ether members. <br />)Dutah Elm in the Village of bake Elmo is rather a serious and a delicate <br />problem. Copies of the. Ordinance were distributed and Council asked to <br />review and give some consideration to persons who may qualify for the <br />position of Village Forester., <br />The requests that were presented to the Board of Review far consideration <br />an June 30, 1970 were reviewed by the whole council with the following <br />decisions,. <br />