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MEETING OF LAKE .E:LMO VILIJAG}il COUNCIL; AUGUST 1891970. Page 1. <br />Meeting called to order by Mayor Rrookman at 7a3OPM. <br />Present:Brookni,n7'Watson,Abersrrombiepllriedri.ch9Park & Mehsikomer.. <br />Absent .Shervheim, <br />Minutes of the August 40970 meeting read and corrected as followst <br />The property referred to as that of Fransis Eder should be amended to <br />read Carlson's Meadow First Subdivision. <br />Motion by Councilman Watson 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie that the <br />assessment hearing be rescheduled from Tuesday September 22, 1970 to <br />WmAx2t!xX Thursday October 89, 1970 at 7 0OPM at the Village Hall. <br />Motion by Councilman Watson 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie -that the <br />minutes be approved with. -these changes. Carried 4--0n <br />Motion by Councilman Watson 2nd by Councilman Friedrich that the Clerk <br />be instructed to release the bond of Fischer, Carried 4-O, <br />Motiorn by Councilman 'Watson 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie that the <br />following assessment percentages be established for the 1970 Road Im- <br />provement Projects. <br />11th St. Residential 90% undeveloped (no road aoces,$) 75%. <br />Lake Jane Drive,Shore Drive & Cohn addition 100%,. <br />Lake Jane Rd. & :Eagle Point. Rd. :122 `1=4a�. q( <br />7th St, to be assessed at S*20 per ft, Motion carried 4-0.. <br />Village Attorney Raleigh advised the P'anasow oourtcase was scheduled <br />-to be heard August 28, 1970 in Stillwater before Judge Wm, Johnadn <br />Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilman Watson that the <br />Special Use Permit for a swimming pool by Don Plloris be approved subject <br />to the: conditions set forth by the Planning Commission in their minutes <br />of their meeting of August 11, 1970. Carried t* 4-0. <br />d Fee of use permit is 20.00; it is renewable each year but the fee for <br />each subsequent year is waived. <br />Clerk to• contact Mr, Frank Graham of NS;P and ask -that he attend the <br />meeting an September 1% 1970 to discuss the requested lighting in <br />T'ablyn Park and on McNeely Road, <br />Rich Peterson 1323 East 22nd St.. Minneapolis (335 6270) 55404 applied <br />for the position of Forester for the Village. Pie has a BS in Forestry <br />from the U of Minnesota. Worked for the state for 1 year and was Dist, <br />Forester at Cook Park. Currently -taking graduate: studies in business <br />at the U of Minn. would be available as required for at least the: next <br />3 years. Asked for $5.00/hour plus mileage. <br />Ken Streiff 1290 6th St. Lake Elmo also applied for Forester position, <br />His application list the following facts. Age 40. Korean.Veteran. <br />Readily available as he is presently unemployed. Lifelong resident of <br />Lake Elmo. Outdoorsman. Claims to be able to distinguish if a tree: has <br />a disease, has been poisoned or roots have been damaged, <br />Two other names were mentioned but no information had been supplied, <br />The names are :Eugene Karel a graduate Forester presently looking and <br />Walter Jensen., <br />Riohard Johnson- Sanitary Study Committee discussed the matter in detail <br />with the Council so they were better informed. A motion by Councilman <br />Abercrombie found no 2nd and -the Village Attorneg Don Raleigh was in. <br />streted to write up an ordinance and distribute to the Council_ for study, <br />( Jess Mottaz was invited by the Council to reactivate the Park and Open <br />Space Committee. After a lengthy- discussion Mr. Mottaz advised the <br />Council that it would be better if they looked elsewhere for someone <br />-to head up this Committee, <br />