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09-01-70 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-01-70 CCM
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Meeting of the Lake Elmo Village Council September 1, 1970. <br />7 0OPM Meeting called to order by Mayor Brookman. <br />Present:Brookman,WatsontAbercrombie,Shervheim,Friedrich,Park & Mehsikomer. <br />Minutes of the August 18, 1970 meeting reviewed.and approved with the <br />following additions. <br />Councilman Watson raised the question of a dilapidated building <br />located on lots 465, 4669467,468,6709671 And 672 of Lane's Demontroville <br />Country Club Addition; after viewing a series of pictures of the <br />buildings thereon and hearing a report of the building inspector and <br />Councilman Batson who investigated the property Councilman Watson moved <br />the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved that it appears <br />that the basement house located on the lots just described has a cracked <br />and deteriorated foundation, has roofing paper almost completely gone <br />from the roof, has rotted floor sheathing which is very dangerous since <br />children could get on it and fall through. Also, it appears to the <br />Council that the two outhouses on those lots are not properly screendd <br />or treated with chemicals and are unattended and as such constitute a <br />source of filth and health hazard and a potential danger to children. <br />The basement dwelling and outhouses are accordingly determined by the <br />Council to be a nuisance and hazard; legal counsel is ordered to proceed <br />with the preparation of an Order to be issued by the Council directing <br />the removal thereof. Upon an individual poll being taken all mew» <br />hers of the council voted in favor. Against none. <br />11otion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilman Watson that the <br />minutes be approved as amended. Carried 5-0. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie that <br />the curbing and resurfacing at 6th Etc Kalmia and in front of the Village <br />Office be approved as presented by the Village Engineer. Carried 5-0. <br />The request of Bernard Meyer as a, sewer installer was approved by <br />a 5-0 vote subject to -the receival of the certificate of insurance on <br />a motion by Councilman Watson with the 2nd by Councilman Shervheim. <br />letter from Hammes requesting more time to remove the junk cars from <br />their property was referred to Village legal Counsol for a reply, The <br />reason for legal action is that Hammes indicated that they were repair— <br />ing equipment so they could open the gravel pit. The gravel pit has <br />been closed to further use previously by the council. <br />Clerk submitted a resume of the three bids that were received for <br />signs required by the Village . Based on the resume it appeared that <br />Gopher Stamp & Die was the low bidder. Iv_otion by Councilman Shervheim <br />2nd by Councilman Watson that award be made to Gopher with all traffic <br />signs being reflectorizwd and the 40 which showed building permits re— <br />quired would be Baked enamel. Carried 5-0. <br />Elmer Richert advised that two parties Kelm & �Jlarner had put in <br />driveways up to the Village Streets that are raised substantially above <br />the regular raodway. Motion by Councilman Watson 2nd by Councilman <br />Shervheim that attorney write and inform them they are in violation of <br />Article 61 of Ordinance #1 and should make arrangementis -to move tine <br />apron back to the property line. Carried 5-0. <br />Elmer Richert advised that on some of the road rightaways there <br />were trees causing problems. Village attorney advised to send tianfx <br />letters to the residents on whose property the trees are growing that <br />they should or would be reimoved. <br />Clerk to have Office Clerk send reminders�the.o�ci1�iat there <br />— le k -- <br />is a special meeting to discuss -the 1971 budget on Monday September 14, <br />7-: 3-�Fi1fI. <br />Ralph Oace appeared before the Council regarding approval for <br />his plat for Oace's Fifth Addition. Matter was referred to the Planning <br />Commission for consideration. <br />
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