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Meeting of the bake Elmo Village Council September 1, 1970 Page 2. <br />Mr., Oace was to be scheduled on The Planning Commission meeting �_�Cue.s. <br />Sept.-8? 1970 and also schedul-edl -fbr the Village o0-iz� c T-meeting on Tues. <br />Sept.15, 1970 M. -- <br />at 8:00P- -- - - - - - - - - -- --- - -- -- <br />1he following resolution was presented by Councilman Abercrombie <br />and a 2nd by Councilman Friedrich: Be it resolved by the Village Council <br />of Lake Elmo that the thru Stop Traffic Signs at the intersection of <br />Eagle Point Road & Meadowlark Lane be reversed so that the thru traffic <br />is on Eagle Point Raod and the Stop Sign on Mleadowlark bane. Car. 5-0. <br />Village Engineer Bonestroo and Village Attorney Raleigh reported <br />regarding the hearing regarding the case against Mr. Panasow. Motion by <br />Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilman Watson that the recommendation <br />of action by these two be approved. (Copy of details attached) Car. 5-0. <br />Mr. Frank Graham of NSP presented a plan for street lighting x in <br />Tablyn Park and on the intersections of Washington County Highways 15 <br />and 17 as they intersect with McNeely Road. Cost of 8 175 watt mercury <br />vapor lamps for Tablyn Park would be $360.00 per year. Cost of indiv- <br />idual lamps would be $45.00 for 175 watt lamp; $55.20 for a 250 watt <br />lamp; and $72.00 for a 400 watt lamp. <br />Motion by Councilman Watson 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie that we <br />proceed with the lighting program for Tablyn Park as presented by NSP. <br />Carried 5- 0. <br />Request of 3M Company for lights on either end of McNeely Road <br />is denied. Clerk instructed to advise Mr. Lonetti who had requested the <br />service that if 3M wishes to pay for the lamps the Village would have <br />them put in and then bill 3M annually. It was felt that the location <br />did not effect enough residents that most of the benefit would be to <br />visitors to the 3M Facility. <br />The Police and Protection Committee was represented by members <br />Lyall and POTT. Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilman <br />Watson that we accept the report of the commisssion. Carried 5-00 <br />Committee agreed to obtain copies of contracts between different groups <br />and submit them to the Village Council so that they can be discussed <br />at the next meeting. Have this item put on the agenda. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie that <br />the Clerk be instructed to advise the APO that the Village of lake Elmo <br />does not have adequate pickup service. Carried 5-0. Clerk also advised <br />to include this matter on the agenda for the 1st meeting in November. <br />The applications for forester for the Village were all reviewed. <br />Motion by Councilman Watson 2nd by Councilman Shervheim that Clerk kx <br />Jm offer the position to Kr. Rich Peterson. Since the season is so late <br />Mr. Peterson would be asked to look over the situation this year and <br />submit a program. for 197T. Village to offer to meet Id1r. Peterson's <br />salary of $5.00/hr plus mileage. Carried 5-0. <br />Motion by Councilman Matson 2nd by CounciLlman Shervheim that the <br />Council advise the Planning Commission that they do not favor the Trail - <br />way System. Commission to be advised to concentrate on Phase 1 of the <br />Park Planning Board. Carried 5-0. <br />'Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Shervheim that we prepare <br />a contract for snow xxzz3rxYXxz-xt plowing in the old Village of lake <br />Elmo with Francis Oelke © $15.00 per hour. 1,1Ir. Z.Friedrich would be <br />a secondary service in the event of problemst Carried 5-0. <br />Legal Councel to arrange for a meeting between the Village and <br />the Metro Park Board. <br />Councilman Shervheim advised that the proposed insurance coverage <br />as suggested by the Insurance Commission would cost an estimated <br />$69200. <br />