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Minutes of the Lake Elmo Village Council November 4, 1970 <br />Meeting called to order at 7:30PM 'by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present:Brookman,Watson_,Abercrombie,Shervheim,Friedrich,Park & Mehsikomero <br />Motion by 2nd by Councilipan Watson that the <br />( minutes of -the October 20, 1970 meeting be approved as submitted. <br />Motion carried 5-0:. <br />Correspondence: Clerk read letters from the Village Counsel, Raleigh, <br />to Mr. Caldwald and Mr. St.John relative to the Council decision that <br />they both be required to move the fences, which they have installed, <br />back out of the road rightwa-way. <br />Letter received from residents on Kressin Lane requesting the install- <br />ation of street lights. Clerk instructed to write the individuals that <br />made the request and advise them that Kressin Lane is not a Village <br />Street and the Village can not accept the responsibility to put lights <br />on private propertyo <br />Letter from.Dennis Gonyea regarding developing the area formerly awned <br />by Russ Morgan. Clerk instructed. to write and inform Gonyea that they <br />should make arrangements to appear before -the PlanningCommission. <br />Letter received from the Watershed District regarding a meeting on <br />Wednesday November 18,. 1970 at the Lake Elmo VFW Tull. Clerk instructed <br />to consult with the Village Engineer and determine in.he fel(b that it <br />required attendance of all or part of the Village Council. <br />Mmxx Mr.Driscoll,.Mr.Milner, Mr.Hartman and Mr. Pechan appeared relative <br />to Carlson Acres.. They objected to the requirement of a 100° dedication <br />for a roadway. Since legal counsel for the Village wasnot yet present <br />the matter was delayed. Mr. Driscoll, Attorney, was advised that the <br />Village Attorney,.Don Raleigh, would be advised of the discussion an the <br />property involved and the decision required as to whethek'=we were ask- <br />ing for an easement or a piece of dedicated property and that Mr. Ral- <br />eigh would be advised to contact Mr. Driscoll to explain our position4 <br />Norman Wendt appeared on behalf of Norman Schwartz and a building per- <br />mit to enlarge the Twin Point Tavern with a 361 x 36' addition Some <br />doubt existed as to the submitted floor plan and ;possible changes. Mr. <br />Wendt said he would get this question .resolved. The description of the <br />property was vague and a detail of area for parking was based on.a <br />guess rather than actual measurement. The Council_ advised Mr. Wendt <br />that a special meeting would be scheduled at which time he should be <br />prepared to submit the final floorplan, a detail of the parking lot. <br />showin measurements and proving that the reduced area was adequate to <br />park the required number of cars and also, to supply a statement to the <br />effect that the trusses to be used would withstand the weight that might. <br />be placed on. them for the size involved.. Don Raleigh was charged with <br />the responsibility to write to Mr. Schwartz xxk explaining what was <br />required . A copy of this .letter should also be directed to Mr. Wendt, <br />Special Meeting set for Monday November 99 1970 at 7:30PM. <br />Cimmaron had requested through the bmi].ding inspector approval for <br />privacy fences for installation in the Cimmaron Park Area. Ben Friedrich <br />Building inspector was authorized to approve a certain size and type <br />privacy fence that can be used. Once this decision had been arrived at <br />permits could be issued by the inspector as the need arose4 <br />