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12-01-70 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-01-70 CCM
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Minutes of. the Lake Elmo Village Council December 1, 1970 <br />Meeting called to order at 7:30PM by acting Mayor Watson. <br />Present:Watson,Aberc.ronibie,a"hervheim,l+riedrich,Park and Mehsikomer. <br />Absent: Brockman. <br />Councilman Shervheim moved and Councilman Abercrombie seconded the <br />motion that -the minutes of the November 17, 1970 meeting be approved <br />as submitted. Carried 4-0. <br />Letter from the League of Municipalities read regarding action to be <br />taken by the League during the next session of the state legislature. <br />Item one dealt with trying to get the state to guarantee local bond. <br />issues. Item 2 was allowing the municipalities to have more power to <br />regulate short term borrowing. Motion by Councilman Shervheim second by <br />Councilman Abercrombie to return the ballot postcard that the Village <br />of Lake Elmo disapproved on both issues. Carried 4-0. <br />B&E Patrol was at the meeting at the request of the Council. First the <br />Council. asked the representative of B&B what progress had been made in the <br />patrolling and what pickups were made. The report was that no dogs were <br />Pound loose during the patrols even though patrols were varied at dif. <br />ferent hours of the day and at different hours... B&S, requested a copy of <br />the map for the Village. .A listing of all the streets was given B&E as <br />well as a map of Cimarron. B&E said they had difficulty communicating <br />with the Village so we advised them that the Village Office had certain <br />hours and that messages -to and from them could be routed through that <br />medium. Edna Beers would be the contact on a norman basis. Calls for <br />special service would still come from the Council not from anyone at <br />large. <br />Dave Cady of Cimarron presented plans for an entry cover and asked for <br />permission to allow installation on the homes in the Cimarron Park. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie that the <br />Council approve the design. Installation. and handling of the permits <br />would still be arranged through the Building Inspector,Ben Friedrich. <br />Carried 4--0. <br />Clerk advised the Council that use of the Village Hall was getting a <br />little out of line. Requests have been for as many as three groups in <br />one night. It was the general. opinion of the Council that the hall be <br />ma,d.e available to Village Sponsored Activities with only approval thru <br />the clerk's office that the hall was available. Request for use of the <br />building for other uses should be submitted to the full Council in <br />writing to be acted on. This would mean. that all such requests would <br />have to be received three weeks before -the use date. Motion to pass <br />on this action submitted by Councilman Shervheim with 2nd by Council- <br />man Friedrich. Carried 4-0. <br />Carl Olinger asked the Council. for permission to Landscape his back <br />r,4220 Lake Jane ]:.load. Normally action by the Council would not <br />be required but since the remaval of 10,000 yds. of fill was involved <br />he thought the' Council should. have a say. Motion by Councilman Friedrich <br />2nd by Councilman Shervheim that permit be granted. Carried 4-0. <br />Elmer Richert asked several questions and requested answers. <br />1. Size of skating rink. Councilman Shervheim to acknowledge. <br />2< Can he use gravel from the old. gravel. pit which the Village is <br />byying from the state. Advised affirmative. <br />3. Asked rate to be charged if Village supplied a loader and an <br />operator. Advised to charge $15<00/hr. In the interest of get- <br />ting the debris cleaned up at Ijohmann's we had man and equipment <br />on the scene for 1-� 2 hrs. <br />
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