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TIiT( TES OF THE LAKE ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL JA.NUARY 19, 1971 <br />Present:Brookman,Friedrich,Abercrombie,Shervheim,Park & Mehsikomer. <br />Absent :'Watson. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:35PM by Mayor BO-ookman, <br />Minutes of the January 5,1971meeting amended to show that Councilman <br />Shervheim was in attendance.. <br />Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilman Shervheim that the <br />minutes be approved as amended. Carried 4-0a <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie that Dr. <br />Van Meier be appointed as the Health Officer for the Village of lake <br />Elmo. Carried 4-0, <br />Reading of correspondence: <br />Clerk read letter from legal counsel that the contract .for police <br />protection had been approved by the county and a copy of the completed <br />contract is on file in the cle-rkts office. Effective date of contract is <br />February 1, 1971. <br />Letter from the State of Minnesota, Department of Health, covering <br />the report on the inspection of the Village Water Department. We received <br />a rating of 91 and with recommended shanges could get a reading of 97. <br />Fetter from Donn Pepper, County Surveyor, requesting Village coop» <br />er ation in the procedure used Q the plats, Change requested <br />is that the final plat be submitted to the surveyors office :for approval <br />before members of the council: approve the :final draft. This is done to <br />assure the Village that the final plat has been proof checked and that <br />the plats are as correct as they can be in accordance with State Law <br />Chapter 505 and 505.03. Clerk instruc*ed to acknowledge in the affirmative. <br />Members of the fi..rm, planning the Lake Jane Hills Development had a number <br />Of questions. After acknowledging that they would require 1350 Sq. ft, of <br />living space exclizsane of garage and breezeway visitors were referred to <br />the village attorney in separate quarters who advised them of the steps <br />that had to be taken regarding the proposed development. <br />Mr. Erwin Beutel and Mr. David Zinchlag members of the Committee on the <br />insurance program for the village were on hand to present the final pro- <br />posal along with quotations from their respective agencies. Mr. Deutel <br />represented bake Elmo Insuarance Agency and Q. Paul Fire and Marine. <br />Mr. Zinchlag represented Auto Owners Insurance Company. Both concerns are <br />reliable and have an AAAAA rating. Auto Owners bid was $3940.10 and the <br />bid from St. Paul Fire & Marine was $5699.02. Council was informed that <br />present ¢overage would be through :February 16 so both representatives <br />were informed that the council would review the quotations and render a <br />decision at the Febraury 2, 1971 meeting.. Clerk to include on agenda, <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie that the <br />Special use Permit for Kamish to remove 20,000 yds of gravel from the <br />Pierson Pit be approved subject to the .restrictions established by the <br />( village attorney. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Donald Raleigh, Village Counsel requested to meet with the Planning <br />Commission regarding procedures for handling permits and requests that <br />are channeled through them and advise them of decisions and actions <br />that they are expected to amke. <br />The wage committee for. the Village of Lake Elmo, consisting of members <br />r of thi Council, made the following recommendations for a wage schedule <br />and benefits for the year 1971: <br />