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01-19-71 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-19-71 CCM
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Minutes of the Fake :Elmo Village Council January 19, 1971. <br />Page 2 <br />Base pay for #1 Maintenance man $4.80 <br />Base pay for #2 Maintenance man 3.90 <br />Wages effective January 3, 1971. <br />Office Clerk 2.00 <br />All employees r6ceive prepaid hospitalization coverage an themselves. <br />Additional family coverage also available on payroll deduction if so <br />desired by the employee. <br />Full time employees riceive 2 weeks vacation after one year of continuous <br />employment. 'Three weeks is given to employees with 10 years of continuous <br />service. <br />Sick leave is given at the rate of one day per month of employment yp:to <br />100 hours. Sick leave is active on the first day of illness. Sick leave <br />is available only to full time employees. <br />The following eight holidays are given in addition to vacation time: <br />New Yeasts Day Labor Day <br />Washington--Li.n.coln.B'day Veterans Day <br />Memorial Day Thanksgiving <br />Independence Day Christmas <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd. by Councilman Abercrombie that the <br />recommendations of the wage committee be accepted is the schedule for <br />1971. Carried 4-0. <br />Because a quorum could not be reached in the matter of the 3M gun range <br />(2 members abstaining) matter was held over until the February 2 mtg. <br />Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilman Friedrich that in the <br />matter of Pecha.n-Driscpll that they be allowed to include the extra road <br />area in determining the lot sizes on this 6 acne tract of land. Carried 4-0, <br />Councilman Shervheeim proposed and moved for the adoption of the following <br />resolution; R 71--001. 6'irl: ERE.&S, the Council of the Village of Lake <br />Elmo has approved entering into a contract for police protection in the <br />Village with the Sheriff of Washington County, and consistent therewith <br />desires to rescind any previous delegation of police responsibilities to <br />the Constables or any other individuals heretofore made, and to provide <br />for the orderly discontinxn uance of the office of Constable, it is there- <br />fore RESOLVED, that the duties of Constable of the Village of Lake Elmo <br />shall, until further action is taken by this Council, be limited to those <br />duties set forth and described for such office in the publication of the <br />Minnesota League of Municipalities and shall not.include any police or law <br />enforcement responsibilities; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that any delegation <br />previously made by this Council or its predecessor governing bodies of any <br />police power or responsibility to any office or individual other than con- <br />templated under the contract approved January 59 1971 with the Sheriff of <br />Washington County, be and they are hereby rescinded, and the individuals <br />affected are hereby requested to .restore to the custody of the Village <br />Clerk or the Village Fire Chief ang and all flashers, sirens,or other <br />equipment previoulxsly ent5usted to them to facilitate law enforeement <br />activities; and RESOLVED FURTIIER that the Fire Chief be and he hereby <br />is authorized to appoint such individual or individuals as he in his dis- <br />cretion may choose and to provide them with flashers and such other equip- <br />ment as may be necessary to facilitate the control of traffic during fir <br />calls and other emergencies; and <br />
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