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03-16-71 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-16-71 CCM
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MEETING OF THE LAKE ELMO VI:5LAGE COUNCIL March 16, 1971 <br />Nleeting called to order at 7.35PM by Acting Mayor Watson. <br />Pre sent . Frie drich, Wat son , Ab erarombie, Shervhe im Park & Mehsikomer. <br />Absent:Brookman. <br />Also presenttAttly ILaleigh. <br />Nlotion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by C.Abercrombie that the minutes of <br />the March 2, 1971 meeting be approved as submitted. Carfied 4-0. <br />IVIr. LeMay 3981 Lake Jane Road asked what he could do regarding the burning <br />of brush accumulated from land clearing. He was advised that the fire chief <br />had special. permits from -the POA for such special use. Chief Bjorkman was <br />to bring some of these permits to the Village Offiee and Mr. IeM.ay could <br />pick one up. Chief Bjorkman suggested that such burning be done early while <br />the ground and grass are wet to reduce the possibility of causing fire. <br />Nlaintenanoe man Elmer 'Richert had the following items. <br />1.11e expressed thanks to the fire dr*artment for the awsistance given <br />to open culver9,s using the high pressure fire hoses. <br />2.Weed control; what should he do about materials for keeping the weeds <br />under control along the roadway. Instructed to check with the county <br />and see what is recommended this year and arrange to get materials. <br />3.33rought up question of putting some gravel under the 'bleachers at <br />'the athletic field.. 11; was suggested that we consider a solid base <br />for the bleachers. C. Friedrich would check and get estimates to put <br />bituminous areas along the ballfild on which to mount the 'bleachers. <br />4.11eq:aestod authority to put informational speed signs on the curve <br />sign posts suggesting spped of 251APH on the curves. Co,asel confirmed <br />that (this type of sign did not require state approval. <br />5.Clerk to write to the Minnesota Highway Department and ask for a <br />current version of the traffic manual. <br />6.Question of disposal of waste accumulated at the Village Hall and <br />the Village Of -rice. Clerk instructed to arrange with Thompson Disposal <br />Stillwater, Minnesota for a weekly pickup. Clerk also to request that <br />Thompson supply us with a quantity of plastic bags for our waste. <br />7-What is to be done with soil area along the Village Hall on the South <br />side. Recommendation that we do not wait for any group to do this work <br />and that we get shrubs planted as soon as feasible. <br />8.The pumphouse roof has been repaired but the word is that their are <br />no air holes or vents along this roof. E.Richert instructed to install <br />vents when time permit -Led. <br />9.Curbstops are still a problem. This is a project to be completed this <br />summer,- Possibly with help furnished by the Welfare Dept. Washington <br />County with the appropriate supervision. <br />10.E1ectrodes for installation in the cathodic protection of the water <br />tank have been delivered and are ready for installation when the ice <br />in the tank is no longer a problem. <br />11.Requasted permission to use his son as a sweeper during the repair <br />of the blacktop this spring. Permission granted with 40 hours approved; <br />any additional time would be requested through 0. Friedrich who would <br />have authority to permit anything reasonable. <br />12.Requested that we do something regarding the illegal parking along <br />Lake Jane Drive. Oars are parking on th roadway xxAx which is in vio- <br />lation of Ordinance. Village Police to be informed of Bituation and <br />advised to issue tickets. <br />Tar for roadwork has been ordered. <br />Motion by O.Friedrich 2nd by C.Shervheim 'to remove -the 3 ton load limit on <br />Kalmia from 212 to Sixth St. Carried 3-1. C. Abercrobie voting against. <br />
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