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04-20-71 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-20-71 CCM
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MINUTES OF T.T-1B LAKE FLMO VillAGBO CO1jNCIIj APRIL 209 1971 <br />Meeting called to order at 7:30PM by Mayor Brookman. <br />Present:Brookman,I'riedrich,'Matson,Abercrombie,Shervheim,Park & Mehsikomer.. <br />.Also presentaCounsel Raleigh and Engineer Andexlik, <br />Motion by Councilman Watwon 2nd by (..Abe-rcrombie that the minutes of the: <br />April 4,1971 meeting be approved as submitted. Carried 5--0. <br />LeRoy Rossow came before Council to request a variance on lot 9,Block 3 <br />in Tablyn Park. Mr. Rossow explained that he actually had a lot with a <br />113 .ftl frontage and that total area amounted to 47,000sa ft. which is in <br />excess of an acre. Further that .he had contacted the clek and been advised <br />that since the plat was approved- prior to adoption in 1968 of the sub - <br />'division ordinance that the lot was bu.ildabl.e. C.Shervheim 2nd <br />by C. Abercrombie that the variance be allowed and the building inspector <br />be instructed to issue a permit if the building plans are acceptable. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />Mr. Milner. and Mr. Peehan appeared again regarding the plat for Carlson <br />Meadow 1st subdivision. Motion by C. Watson 2nd by C. Shervheim that the <br />plat be approved. Carried 5-0., A preliminary copy of the plat is on file <br />with the clerk; 4 copies of the finalized plat will be furnished as soon <br />as all the necessary signatures have been obtained. <br />1V1r, and Mrs. Herold Iverson appeared before the Council regarding a <br />variance on lot 21 Berschen's Addition. Repxkortedly lots 21 & 22 were <br />both listed as non buildable lots accori.ding to the Iversond. May 1, 1968 <br />a building permit was issued to Panasow & Sjonblom to build on lot 22. <br />The conservation department had given the Iversons information that said. <br />the high water mark was 920ft and the highest level reached in the last <br />century was 917ft. and that was in 1965. 0. Watson explained that the <br />high waster mark is 920 ft. but the buildable area of the property must be <br />above 930 ft.r this is the point at which the water from the .lake would <br />start to runoff into another lake. The Iverson's claim that the xxazavxx <br />conservation department had advised them that they could haul in -fill for <br />all the property above 920 ft.. to which the council. agreeg. The Mayor <br />expressed concern that the members of the Council were all not fully aware <br />of the situation and the contour of the property and advised that the <br />Council would meet in special session on Tuesday April 27, 1971 at 7a00 <br />PM at the Village Office and would make a tour of the property before <br />rendering a final decision. Counsel Raleigh was asked to check the status <br />of the road easement next to lot 21 which is Village property.. <br />Clerk instructed to have a copy of the plat at the special meeting; also <br />instructed to remind Council members of the meeting a day ahead. .Also to <br />be discussed at this meeting is the comprehensive sewer study and several <br />ordinances that are still unresolved. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Iverson are to be on the May 4, 1971 agenda at N OOPK for <br />a decision prom the Council. <br />( ;Peter Bloomquist 1886 Lake Jane Drive appeared before the Council regarding <br />a special use permit for a, swimming pool. The Planning Commission had <br />reviewed this request at their meeting on April 13, 1971 and had made a <br />recommendation to approve the request. Certain conditions regarding the <br />installation were listed. Motion by C.Shervh.eim 2nd by C.Watson that the <br />Special Uwe Permit be granted subject to the conditions .laid down by the <br />Planning Rammm±± Commission. Carried 5-0. <br />
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