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04-06-71 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-06-71 CCM
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Minutes of the Lake Elmo Village Council April 6, 1971 <br />Meeting called. to order at 7.34PM by Mayor Brookman. <br />Present:l')roo.[,:M,on,W,itson,Abc,,rcrombie.Park & Mehsikomer. <br />Absent:Priedrich and Shervheim. <br />Also present Building Inspector Friedrich and Counsel Raleigh. <br />Motion by Councilman Watson 2nd. by C. Abercrombie that the minutes of the <br />March 16,, 1971 meeting be approved as submitted. Carried 3 to 0 as 2 of <br />the voting councilmen were absent. <br />Question on what the village planned to do about a forester was to be dis— <br />cussed. Although no specific details were available arrangements are being <br />made to have one or more informational meetings later this month. <br />Letter from St. Paul Overall Laundry was discussed and it was the Councils <br />opinion that since we had no absolute need for this service in. the past <br />that it was not required now. Letter to be turned over to Q. Friedrich. <br />Let -ter from the League of Municipalities regarding the 1971 'Waterworks <br />School was discussed. Clerk was instructed to contact the Health Department <br />and determine if -this is a. necessity or wheter it is optional. (Note— Mr. <br />.Yringen of the Health Dept. of Minnesota advised that the school follows <br />the same format but that they have different speakers on some of the topics <br />each year. Attendance is not required. Further an operator is required to <br />have three to four years experience before lic can be issued a class D <br />operators license. If the operator wants to take the examination it can be <br />arranged and then should he pass a certificate would be made up, but it <br />would not be issued until the operator had the necessary experience.) <br />Carlos Taylor and Mrs Milton (Dorothy) Klohn of the committee established. <br />to work with the County Surveyors Office were on hknd to discuss the duities <br />of the committee. Member Robert Mordick was not able to attend. A copy of <br />the numbering plan was given to the committee. They were advised that they <br />were not necessarily a yes group and should meet with the representative <br />of the surveyor's office and review the proposal they had ready. Although <br />some restrictions were necessary they could carry through the continuity <br />of present identity wheree7er possible. After the Committee had reviewed <br />this matter and agreed on.a plan they would submit their recommendation to <br />-the Village Council for final approval. <br />jerryMogren representing Indian Hills Golf Course appeared before the <br />Council and requested they consider the possibility of annexing 400 acres <br />of land now in Grant Township to the Village of Lake Elmo. Kr. Mogren re— <br />ported that he had :received some encouragement from the County officials <br />and. from the municipal Commission. A letter from two of the webers of the <br />Grant Town Board expressing -their opinions on the matter was presmnted. <br />Mr.. Mogren asked the Council to consider the matter and advise whether they <br />would. look favorably on such aa.n annexation or if we would definitely turn <br />it down. Mayor advised Mr. Ivi-logren that since only three members of the. <br />voting Council were present that matter would have to be held up, for full <br />Council consideration. A decision was promised by the end of April. <br />Mr,, Milner, Mr. Pechan and Mr. Hartman appeared before the Council -to dis <br />cuss the plot of Carlson's Meadow. Counsel Raleigh advised these gentle— <br />men that the information that they desired had been worked out with Mr. <br />Driscoll who had represented them as Counsel and that if they would con— <br />tact him he should be able -be supply the correct procedure for -them to <br />follow in order to prepare th& proposed plat for filing. <br />
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