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Meeting of the Lake Elmo Village Council April 6, 1971 Cont'd. Pg.2 <br />Tom Backstrom new business manager for Cimarron asked the Council to con- <br />sider a 3.2 Beer License to be set up in the pro shop at Cimarron. Counsel <br />Raleigh to check to determine if a public hearing is required. The new <br />Special Use :Permit for Cimarron has been approved and the signed copies <br />will be mailed to Cimarron. The Council pointed out that the Council has <br />only approved phase 1 & 2 and that he should check before they proceed with <br />any units in Int phase 3. Mr. Backstrom advised that he would check into <br />this. Subject of pinball machines was discussed and their installation at <br />Cimarron. Council advised that we do not have any ordinance at the present <br />time but that this is an item that should be covered in an ordinance and <br />the Council would consider the matter. <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Watson that the building permit for <br />St. Marie Pet Supply for. a 50 ft. extension to the present building be <br />approved. Carried 3-0. Council approval required because this unit is <br />approved an a Special Use Permit. <br />John Hanner 2575 Shore :drive No. St. Paul presented arguments regarding the <br />assessment of his property on the 1971 tax rolls. Motion by C.. Watson 2nd <br />by C. Abercrombie that the assessment on 2 lots (894 -903 &933-942 comprise <br />one lot and 904--911 & 927--932 the other.) be assessed at 100% of the stated <br />value ($6,750) and 2 lots (790--801 &854-865 which comprise one lot and <br />802-808 & 836-853 the other) be assessed at only 50'% of same value. <br />Motion carried 3-•0. <br />Kenneth & Mrs. Sovereign requested abatement of taxies on property they <br />hold in the Northeast corner of Lake Elmo.. The file was turned over to the <br />assessor who was instructed to taker pictures and present them to the <br />Council at the next meeting. <br />C. Abercrombie presented Resolution R 71-5 regarding deleting certain <br />street assessments and moved its approval.. 2nd by C. Watson Carried 3-0.. <br />Copy of resolution on file in the Clerk's Office. <br />Meeting for the review of the sewer study is tentatively set for Tuesday <br />April 4ynH 971. Clerk to advise the absent Councilmen and the Village <br />Engineer of the meeting. (Note: Village Engineer is on vacation and not <br />available until after April --1- so meeting will be .rescheduled). <br />is <br />Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by C. Watson that claims 125 thru <br />154 be approve for payment. Carried 340. <br />Motion by 0. Watson 2nd by C. Abercrombie that the meeting be adjourned <br />at 11 a40PM. Carried 3•-.0. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lake :Elmo, Minnesota. <br />