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To ',he Supervisors of the Village of. Lake Elmo, in the County of <br />Washington and State of Minnesota: <br />The undersigned legal voters who own real estate, or who occupy <br />real estate under the homestead or pre-emption laws of the United <br />States, or under contract from the State of Minnesota, within three <br />miles of the road proposed to be vacated, hereby petition you to vacate <br />a road as follows: <br />That county road bounded on the north by Berschens Shores, <br />District 834, said owners being: Christopher J. Perez & Gloria Perez, <br />owners of: <br />That part of lot eighteen (18) in Berschens Shores, Washington <br />County, Minnesota lying northerly of a line drawn from a point on Lhe <br />westerly line of said lot, which point is one hundred (100) feet south <br />of the northwest corner thereof extended easterly to the easterly line <br />of -'said lot to a point one hundred seventy-one (171) feet north of the <br />southwest corner thereof, according to the plat thereof on file and of <br />record in the office of the Register, of Deeds in Washington County, <br />Minnesota. <br />Howard C. Walker and Edna Walker, owners of: <br />That part of lot 18, Berschens Shores, lying southerly of a line <br />drawn from a point on the westerly line of said lot which point is <br />one hundred (100) feet southerly of the northwest corner thereof extended <br />easterly to the easterly line of said lot to a point one hundred 'seventy- <br />one (171) feet northerly of the southeast corner thereof, according to <br />the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register <br />of Deeds in and for said county. <br />Agnes Berschens, owner of: <br />Lot 19 - being a strip of land twenty-five (25) feet wide being <br />northeasterly 25 feet Berschens Shores. <br />Akira Fujiaka, owner of: <br />Lot 19 (nineteen) of Berschens Shores, according to the Survey <br />and Plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register <br />of Deeds, Washington County, Minnesota, except a strip of land 25 feet <br />wide being the northeasterly twenty-five ( NE'ly 25') feet of said <br />lot 19. <br />Harold W. & Patricia A. Iverson, owners of: <br />Lot 21, Berschens Shores <br />Norman R. & Rita Sjoblom, owners of: <br />Lot 22, Berschens Shores. <br />Bounded on the south by: All that part of government lots 2, 3 & <br />4 of Sec. 10 Township 29 Range 21 which lies west of present location <br />of public road known as Lake Jane Drive and north of present location <br />of the public road known as Lake Jane Road and south of the road dedi- <br />cated to the public by the plat of Berschens Shores and designated in <br />said plat as township road. <br />