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05-04-71 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-04-71 CCM
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i;Iinutes of the meeting of the Lake Elmo Village Council Hay 4, 19 71 <br />Meeting called to order at 7:35PM by I':'Iayor Brookman. <br />Present:Trookman,Friedrichg�-letson,Shervh.eim,Park & 1,1ehsikomer. <br />Absent:Abercronibie. <br />Clerk advised the Council to insert claim number 173 as the last number <br />approved for payment at the last meeting. I.Iotion by Councilman Watson <br />2nd by C.Shervheim to approve the minutes of the April 2091971 meeting <br />after the above insertion. Carried 4-0. C.Abercrombie absent. <br />Letter from Jane Arneson requesting the <br />her special use permit to permit her to <br />keepher establisment operating when she <br />2nd by C.Friedrich to _permit the hiring <br />beauty shop �rrhile Iirs. Arneson in array. <br />relay the information to Mrs. Arneson. <br />council to issue a variance to: <br />hire a beautician so that she can <br />is on vacation. l;loti.on by C.Watson <br />of additional help to operatethe <br />Carried 4-0. Clerk instructed to <br />Clerk advised that he had received an audited report of the financial <br />status of the NONE Interceptor Sewer Program. C. Watson a.dvi.s�d that the <br />Village of Lake Elmo would r$ceive an additional $2013.49 in the next <br />couple of weeks as part of the HUD contribution. <br />Mr. Don Conlin 4005 Lake Jane Road expressed the opinion that the new <br />homes in the Village of Take Elmo were being assessed at a different rate <br />than older homes and that it was penalizing new residents in the Village. <br />Mr. Conlin asked what he should do about his tax situation since he had <br />sent a note to the Village assessor for consideration of adjuxstment. The <br />Mayor advised him that he should go ahead and pay his first half taxes <br />which are due inlay 31, 1971 but to pay it under protest. <br />Richard Johnson asked why the Village did not pass a resolution endorsing <br />the PCA ruling on burning. C.Shervheim explained that the ruling was in <br />effect regardless of whether or not the Village had passed a resolution. <br />It was further pointed out the the PCA has been giming variations that <br />are not in line with the original ruling and where they had given permits <br />for burning in I'Voodbury but had refused the Village of Lake Elmo on a <br />similar type request. The Council is still working on this situation. <br />1Ir. and Firs. Harold Iverson appeared to determine if the Village Council <br />had made a ruling regarding issuing a. building permit for lot 21 of Bersch- <br />en Shores Addition. Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission <br />meeting of April 13, 1971 in which they recommended to the Council that the <br />request for a building -permit be denied. This was carried by the PC 7-0. <br />(question wau raised regarding consideration of the Village vacating the <br />property covered by easement turned over to the Village by the Berschens. <br />Counsel Raleigh advised that if the Village did dispose of the property <br />that they should charge at least enough to cover the assessmnet against <br />the property for the road improvement. T;Taynard Eder advised that the <br />reason that this property was deeded to the Town of East Oakdale was to <br />provide accecc to lots in the la.keshore area. Mr. Eder felt that the issue <br />of vacation and the issuance of a building permit were two weparate issues <br />and each should be resolved independently of each other. It was reported <br />that Lake Jane is a meandered lake at the 920ft elevation. The ordinary <br />high water mark for Lake Jane not established. Letter from Gene Hollenstein <br />Chief Hydrologist of the State of Minnesota read to the council. Copy attach. <br />
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