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05-04-71 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-04-71 CCM
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Page 2 <br />Minutes of the meeting of the Lake Elmo Village Council May 4, 1971 <br />According to the Iversons the letter was examined by the Attorney Generals <br />office and approved before it was released to the4i. <br />Iverson stated that at -the time that lots 21& 22 were available neither <br />.lot was considered buildable; however lot 22 was issued a building permit <br />on a variance so question is why not lot 21. <br />Motion by.C. Shervheim 2nd by C.Friedrich to table the matter. Carried 4-0. <br />Recommendation that the matter be turned back to the Planning Commission <br />with instructions to research the Berschens Easement regarding the possible <br />vacation of the property. <br />Mayor reported that Lake Jane Hills Development had withdrawn the original <br />plan .for I acre lots and were reworking the plan and would be r.ewubmitting <br />at a later date. <br />Richard Johnson asked if a, new plat required a hearing. He was informed <br />'that a hearing was required and notice of said hearing would have to be <br />published in the Village legal publication the Stillwater Daily Gazette <br />at least 10 days prior to the hearing. A mailing to all the residents <br />in the area is not required. <br />Mr. Carl Hermaan, Mr. Dan Herbst, Mr Bill Burns and Mr. Tom Backstrom all <br />.representi:ng Pemton (Cimarron) were on hand to discuss problems of mutual <br />interest. #1 Cimarron deposited. with the Village Clerk a Check in the <br />amount of $3,980.00 to cover the permit fee as required by Section 6 of <br />Fast Oakdale Ordinance #32. The Village has been paid .for the :First 107 <br />units leaving 398 units at $10.00 each. #2.A second check in the <br />amount of $2,000.00 was deposited. to cover the gas inspections on the <br />first 200 units. it was pointed ou t that the Village Gas Inspector had <br />suffered a heart attack and that the inspections had not been completed <br />but that it would be taken care of. 3-It was pointed out that a fee <br />of $&7.50 per inspection was. set; forth in said Ordinance #32 to cover the <br />inspection and hook—up of each unit and thin amount of fees to cover the. <br />entire park would be 33,787.50. 4. Building permits are still to <br />be made out for the Park Maintainance Building, the Golf Course Maintain. <br />ance Building, and the storeage buildings and fences. Pemtom agreed to <br />obtain the pxztm permits and would send the fees to the clerk. <br />5. It was pointed out that an annual inspection fee for each mobile home: <br />park is requited by Section 19 of said Ordinance #32. This fee is $25.00 <br />plus $.25 for each unit installed as of January 1. Thus the fee for <br />Cimarron would be $G25.00 plus $.25 for each unit over 100. 6. Cimarron <br />asked the status of the 3.2 License that they had applied for. They were <br />informed that an Ordinance covering this matter was in the works and that <br />they would be informed as soon as it has been processed. <br />Carl Herman expredsed the opinion that the $10.00 inspedition fee was to <br />have been complete and cover everything (gas, plumbing, building and <br />park). Reference was made -to a letter from the clerk dated June 27, 1970. <br />It was pointed out that the letter covered three different inspections <br />not one as `they had interpreted it. To clarify the situation the minutes <br />of the Council meeting of June 2, 1970 were read and x discussed. <br />Mr. Burns agreed. that he would submit to the clerk a listing of the units <br />installed and would report monthly on the activity that had taken place. <br />The Council agreed that a monthly statement of fees due would be mailed <br />to Pemtom. Pemtom said that a letter establishing the bond for the cur— <br />rent development of Cimarron Park was awainting only approval from the <br />engineer and the Council. Council advised that this matter would be taken <br />up at the next Council Meeting on May 189 1971. <br />
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