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Minutes of the Lake Elmo Village Council Meeting May 4, 1971 Page 4. <br />Motion by C'.Watson 2nd by C. Shervheim that the clerk write a letter to <br />Minnesota House Members Albertson and O'dea and to Senate member Brown <br />stating that we unanimously disapproved of. Mouse file :R2±* 24.30 S.F.2214, <br />which makes several_.provisions regarding review of planning and zoning <br />proposals to the county planning advisory committee for review and <br />recommendations and makes other provisions. .Carried 4-0. <br />Clean-up Saturday again scheduled for May 15a 1971 grom 8:00 to12a00Noon. <br />Tires will be accepted but at a fee of 30 cents each.Thompson willfx be <br />available at his home until 9:OOAM if we need him. <br />Tom Keller Jr. gave a verbal complaint on behalf of his father the Ray <br />Anderson is vio" the Zoning Ordinance. Iie asked thq) Council what <br />action they plan to take. Mayor Brockman moved that we check this <br />matter out and if necessary issue a, warrant and take th, matter to court. <br />2nd by C.Shervheim. Carried 4-0. Village Police to be appraised of the <br />situation and take necessary action. <br />Bleechers have been ordred for -the bal'l.field and foundations will be <br />liad as soon as possible so that installation can be made on arrival. <br />Whitaker Buick has asked that thOy be permitted to use the athletic field <br />as a home team in the fast pitchlea,gue when Twin Point is away. Motion <br />by C. Shervheim 2nd by C.Fri.edrich to approve. Carried 4--0. Fee $12.50 <br />per game. <br />David Morgan & S'wanstrom are co-chairman of the gravel pit park. Bids are <br />to be obtaine-a on phase 1 for a ballfield. <br />BidsaTwere received from 2 suppliers of gravel from Carl Olinger & son <br />and from T A Schifsky. Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C. Shervheim that the <br />award be made to Carl Olinger & Sans. Prices for 05 gravel loaded & <br />hauled 0 $1.50/ton and pit run at $1.20 per ton.. Prices for gravel. <br />picked ups by Village Truck are d5 @$.90 and pit run 0.65. Car. 4--0. <br />Map covering the new Highway 94 was turned over to the Village Engineer <br />with instruot.ions to review and report back to the Council so action can <br />be taken on the resolution requested by the Highway Dept. State of Minn. <br />Next meeting May 18, 1971 the Council will assemble at the Village Hall. <br />and will tour the Village Streets to determine the extent of the 1971. <br />road program. Counailma,n Friedrich will make preliminary tour to eliminate <br />covering unnecessary roads. Clerk instructed not to set up; anyone on the <br />next agenda so that old mattOrs may be cleared up;. <br />County grader has been authorized to do necessary roadwork while the <br />UllagO grader is being repaired. <br />Motion by C..Shervheim 2nd by C.Friedrich to adjourn at 112352M. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />( Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lake Elmo,, Minnesota <br />