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Page 3. <br />Minutes of the meeting of -the Lake Elmo Village Council May 4, 1971 <br />John Hanner reported that he had been pursuing the Village Assessment <br />with the Washingtin County Assessot. He claims that he was .informed that <br />the Village of Lake Elmo was the only governmental body that had done a <br />complete land: reassessment and that it resulted in higher tames proport-A <br />ionally than the rest of the county. The other governments had taken a <br />blanket 10 to 20% increase. Mr. wished that the coundil. world make <br />an effort to check this out. <br />Robert Horglund requested that he be permitt4d to install a Wausau home. <br />The Wausau agent would be Viebrock Construction Box 187 Osceola, Wis.54020 <br />Phone 715 294 2188. <br />Motion by C.Shervheim. 2nd by C.Watson that a permit be granted but that <br />the contractor had to furnisn a 5 year bond for $5,000.00. It would also <br />require that the building inspector be on hand at the time of the assembly. <br />Motion carried 4-0. Clerk advised to notify the contractor. <br />Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C.Watson that Claims 174 thru 201 be approved. <br />for payment. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Mayor Brockman diredted.that a committee of Watson,.Shervheim and Aber- <br />crombie chaired by 0. Watson come up with a recommendation for the sol- <br />ution of the Iverson land use problem and present it to the Council at <br />the June 1, 1971 meeting. <br />Minutes of the Planning Commission of April 13, 1971 covered a request <br />from Robert Gibson to store a mobile camping trailer on property in the; <br />Village. Commission, by a vote of 7-0 recommended that permit be refused. <br />Motion by C. Watson 2nd by 0. Shervheim that the recommendation of the <br />Panning Commission be accepted and request be denied. Carried 4-0. <br />Question raised regarding approval for a four car garage on the Carlson <br />property on Washington County Rd.15 and McNeely Road. Clerk was to check <br />the building permit and see if a garage was included and the size that <br />was listed. If the garage is not included or if the size is not as re- <br />quested advise the Village Attorney whis is to write a letter asking <br />that they appear before the Council.. <br />Planning Commstion asked the question about the control of the HP' rating <br />of outboard motors on lakes within the Village Boundaries. Don Raleigh <br />thought that this is a, regulation that comes under the Conservation Dept. <br />of the State of Minnesota but he would check and confirm. <br />Beresford waste problem was resolved in court with the order that the <br />individual had 90 days in which to put a drainage systemx that meets with <br />the approval of the Village Engineer. <br />The matter of the Panasow improvement ordered by the court boils down to <br />the fact that the work. be accomplished by June 5,1971 or the Village will <br />order the work done and cover the cost with the check on file as a guar- <br />antee that completed to the Engineers satisfaction.. <br />Councilman Watson moved and 2nd by C. Shervheim that the report on <br />SANITARY KXZZX II SEWER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR LAKE EI,MO, MINNESOTA <br />as submitted by Bonestroo Engineering be: approved. Carried 4-0. <br />Copies of the report were authorized. for Woodbury and Oakdale. A resolution <br />should be prepared and the report submitted taJak the Metro Sewer Bogrd. <br />Still no Council action to be -taken regarding the Oakdale - Lake Elmo <br />boundary dispute. This matter may be resolved in the state legislature;,. <br />